Salaam I am new and I need some advice

Salaam alaikum I am a sister who is older and because I have physical illness I cannot get out problem is I live in a sheltered housing scheme and most of the residence are anti muslim I live alone so I joined this forum to meet other sisters. Problem is my i man is suffering and I'm at a loss what to do. I need help.


Welcome to Salamyou@Turn to Islam sister,
Of course you’ve heard of the saying: where there is a will, there is a way. As cliché as it sounds, the reality is: nothing will change unless you decide to take action. It all starts within you: if you want to be active, you will be active and nothing will stop you in sha Allah. Just take the decision not to surrender to your desires, make du’aa to Allah swt to help you stick to your decision and watch how everything will go as you wish and even better, in sha Allah!
The Holy Qur’an is the nourishment of every person’s soul, the light of the heart and guidance to the straight path.

Allah swt says:
“Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most suitable.
quickly turn to the holy Qur’an and you will always find a way out.
The holy Qur’an explains what a person can do to recharge one’s Iman. Whenever you open the holy Qur’an: recite at least one verse of it, and look for help in that verse because there is guidance in every verse of the holy Qur’an. MashaAllah!

Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah bin Abi Yaqub said: that Abu Umamah said: ‘I came to the Messenger of Allah and said: “Tell me of something that I may take (learn) from you.” He said: “Take to fasting, for there is nothing like it.”‘’ An Nasa'i

You also need to Visualize the reward in the next life for holding on to your faith in this life: imagine Paradise. Imagine its beautiful rivers and palaces, imagine meeting the Prophets and the great Muslims of our past, imagine meeting righteous loved ones who have passed away, imagine never falling ill, never having to struggle or pay for anything, imagine how beautiful you will look, MashaAllah!

Talking about Paradise, Abu Huraira narrates the Prophet s.a.w said:

“Allah s.w.t said: “I have prepared for My righteous slaves (such excellent things) as no eye has ever seen, nor an ear has ever heard nor a human heart can ever think of.”

“And seek assistance through patience and prayer…”
~Holy qur'an surah~ [al-Baqarah 2:45].

“…and be patient.
Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”

~Holy qur'an surah~ [al-Anfal 8:46].


Dearest sister in islam,
We are all here if you ever need to reach your family in islam,
and as your problem as being lonely have no fear sister because Allah swt is always with you.


Take care,
~Wassalam :)


If My servants ask you about Me,
I am near.
I answer the call of the caller when he/she calls upon Me.
They should, therefore, respond to Me and believe in Me so that hopefully they will be rightly guided.
~Holy A Qur'an: Surah al-Baqarah 2:186


Junior Member
Dear sister please keep in your mind that we are here only for a time then we all will die and meet our creator Allah subhanahu wa taaala . Try to be good to all those who are around you this what Islam teaches us. I know it is not easy when those who are around are showing some negative attitude but still make your heart surrender to Allah do all the good you can. Try to pray with a heart , make Duaa in sujood . I pray that Allah full our hearts with his love and noor.


Assalamu alaikum wah rahmahtullah sister. Welcome to the forum!

I understand that your situation is challenging but it's a test from Allah and Allah only tests those whom he loves, may He grant you ease :). Alhamdulillah you have access to this forum and I'm sure the lovely sisters here will gladly support you. But remember that no one can fill that space in your heart that brings calmness except Allah, so please hold on tight to his rope, "verily in the rememberance of Allah do hearts find rest".

I would recommend reading alot of Qur'an because that's Allahs way of speaking directly to you, yes youu. And when you want to speak to Allah dua and Salah with kushoo is a beautiful and effective way to lighten your burdens.

Lots of love and feel free to send a personal message if you ever want to talk.