Junior Member
salam alikom warahmatu allah taala wa barakatuh,
brothers and sister may i apeal to you to pray for me... im in need of your dou'a ...im very disperate these days and specially today ...wa llahi i can't express my situation only allah swt who konws...........:ma:
may allah :tti_sister:make things easy for me and all muslims..and jazakuom allah every khair here and in life after...may allah grant you al ajeer wa tawab and reward you with al firdaous al a''ala...ameennnnnnnnnn
wa alikom asslam wa rahmatu alah taala wa barakatuh
brothers and sister may i apeal to you to pray for me... im in need of your dou'a ...im very disperate these days and specially today ...wa llahi i can't express my situation only allah swt who konws...........:ma:
may allah :tti_sister:make things easy for me and all muslims..and jazakuom allah every khair here and in life after...may allah grant you al ajeer wa tawab and reward you with al firdaous al a''ala...ameennnnnnnnnn
wa alikom asslam wa rahmatu alah taala wa barakatuh