salman etebi


New Member
my name is Said (pronounced Saeed) ,a northafrican living in the US.
brothers and sisters i've looking the last week for something about the reciter Abu Ali salma Etebi , his life his recitations..... but i couldn't find nothing yet.
please if sombody knows something just let me know.
don't forget please if u have his recitations it'll be great.
jazakom allah khayran.


New Member
i did

i did search using google altavista and most of those engines.
i have some of his recitations but only some ayaat , iwant the whole koran recited by him.


Praise be to Allah!
As salamu alaikkum, this is the only 2 recitations I know of Salman Al 'Utaybi, and I suppose this is what your asking, its a youtube video... And I know another one recited by Abu Ali which is the 2nd video down there VVV


And this is Abu Ali..
