Bosnian Muslimah
finland is Scandinavian...type SCANDINAVIA in google pictures
I will do that InshaAllah. Both me and sister UmmAmir have experience with forums hehe...
Ouff. I forgot. InshaAllah I will do it now. JazakAllahu khairan for reminding me.
salam alaikum
i think it would be a great idea.. i don't have problems with reading danish/norwegian/swedish, although i'll only write in danish... Finnish i have no idea about, but would love to learn it
I can see this thread was started last year, has admin come to a decision yet?
I'd be interested in a Scandinavian section too. More than many other European regions, Scandinavia is very elevant to recent Islamic issues. I'm mostly fluent in Danish, but by default, I can read Swedish and particularly Norwegian (which isn't all that different)
And Finland is technically a Nordic country, rather than Scandinavian. Mutta minä rakastan suomenkieltä.