Shed light on truth & purity of Islam


New Member
I would like some help… my friend is interested in Islam and wants to learn more about it. He is from a Christian background and believes in God but doesn’t fully understand the Islamic view of life, Jesus etc and wants to understand why Muslims believe so strongly in their faith and religion.

He has heard many varied views of Muslims and their beliefs and wants to understand what is actually true and what isn't. He has heard a lot about miracles etc but has never had them fully explained to him or why they are so significant.

He's currently doing a lot of research and is trying to establish what factual basis Muslims use to build the foundations of their faith upon and why so many non Muslims revert to Islam over all other world religions.

He is a very logical and rational person so wants to understand things in a rational scientific argument as to why Islam is the truth.

He's especially interested in regards to the miracles in the Quran.

Please can you only post replies which will be as simple and clear for him to understand and not confuse him more to help guide him to the truth & purity of Islam