Sri Lankan maid Rizana Nafeek beheaded in Saudi Arabia

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
^I like too. For what Saudi families or ladies even need maids? Can´t they clean their own houses, cook or take care about their own babies? Are they working outside of they house all?


Junior Member
^I like too. For what Saudi families or ladies even need maids? Can´t they clean their own houses, cook or take care about their own babies? Are they working outside of they house all?


I am afraid that some of my comments may be misconstrued as racism but many Saudi women don't and I apologize for merely stating the obvious. The education system, schools and the interaction of Saudi children towards others ethnic groups in the society is appalling to say the least, Kuwait being far worse then Saudia.

If you read Accounts of the behavior of Saudees towards others, notably Indians, Turks & Afghans before the advent of petrol-dollars a different picture emerges altogether, there was a lot of highway robbery and travel wasn't safe (Hajj was dangerous business) but there are more or less no accounts of racism.

Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and areas of Saudia (apart from Haramain and particularly East of Saudia) were nothing but insignificant backwaters who are now brimming with more money than they can shake a stick at and most of this money is being spent in out-competing each other in building tall builds.


sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

If in Saudi families cleaning and cooking works are made just by maids, it is sure that also they children haven´t never learnt to make work at home. Right? They allways think, they can pay to someone else to make "dirty" works. That someone is uneducated maid from some other country.

Sounds sad; not only to the maids but to Saudi society too.

Hopely they oil will finish soon and they too will have to think how to earn they living.


Maybe as going as maids to Sri Lanka?


Assalaam alaikum,

Sister, that is a good one.

On a more serious note I really pity those women. When you have someone do all for your ease and comfort what joy is there? How can you please your husband if someone else cooks his meals? The joy of feeding your baby and telling the baby all about the world is one of the best educations a child can have. And that is a given fact.

How long can a woman shop?


Assalaam alaikum, is a sad state of affairs. You spend you life wasting money.

I am going to behave and not say more. Just think sister when their sons grow up and marry they will not remember the sweet smells of their mother. The smell of spices and herbs used to make the simplest of meals. The taste of a family dish to carry on the recipe for generations.

They miss out on the husband showing his appreciation behind closed doors when you make his favorite foods.

Money can not buy love or memories. Money can not even buy money. I would love to go to the mall and ask to buy money.

Blessed are we who will have less to account for on the Day of Judgement.
hmmm so i gather from all of your posts that all Saudi's (even the 33% living in slums and have <$300/mo salary with 5-6 kids to feed) are sadists who allow foreigners to go dwell in their land under one condition: accept to be abused. so why go there? If you're willing to trade your dignity for bread, then why are you complaining. Muslims are not meant to be servants. Muslims are meant to open their minds and search for solutions for daily problems.

The blacks of South Africa were as poor as anyone could be. The white man controlled all of the wealth, and left nothing for the original citizens. What did the blacks do? They established a Shariah based bank in their community. Look at them now. They are prospering. They did not have to send their children away to wipe butts. They put their trust in Allaah and Allaah gave. So please! don't give me any excuses or throw any blames.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

Who here has claimed that ALL Saudis are something? In my last post I used expression like "those some Saudi women". That doesn´t mean same like all.


Assalaam alaikum.

Your logic is faulty. You are the one playing the blame game. By your own logic you have addressed and responded to the solution of poverty in Saudi Arabia.

More importantly you missed the point about being a Muslims. Any job you take, regardless of title and position, makes you a servant. You are serving someone.

Don't be arrogant about a person's position. It has nothing to do with their belief. A doctor is not superior in faith to a slave. Think of many immigrants, the last flood, who have come here to serve the man.They not only wipe butts but kiss the butt before wiping. And these immigrants have the nerve to say I hate Americans..well brother what are you doing here? They take on the prejudice of the land. How many immigrants live in non-white communities? How many send their children to HBCU's? They want the table scarps of the white man. The Zionist controlled man. So, please...

( not your logic, sweet sister)

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Muslims are not meant to be servants.

Salam alaykum

That your comment looks quite odd. Muslim can´t to work as servant? Just because he/she is a muslim? Like sister Aapa wrote - just same what you are doing as living, you always serve to someone else. Or did you mean as servant just maids? I bet many muslims too works as maids, cleaners etc. Also in Saudi Arabia as well any other countries too.



At any cost one shouldn't commit to murder cuz that initially, will be make to pay with their live after that.
Truly sad.
Astagfirullah Al-Ahzim.

Innaa illaahi wa innaa ilaihi raajiuun.

Sympathies and condolences
to both family.

~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslims~Amin!

Thank you for sharing,



Junior Member
Two Legal Systems in Saudia

القضاء السعودي يشهد احتقاناً في علاقة الشرعيين بالقانونيين
عبد الحميد الأنصاري من الرياض
أكد مستشار قانوني سعودي، أن الوضع القضائي في السعودية يشهد احتقانًا كبيرًا في العلاقة بين الشرعيين والقانونيين، على صعيد الدراسة والمنهجية والتطبيق القضائي، مشددًا على ضرورة التقارب والتوافق بينهما وسد النزاعات الجدلية التي توسع الفجوة بين الجانبين، موضحًا أن مصطلح القانون الذي كان بالأمس محل الرفض لدى بعض الشرعيين بدأ اليوم يحظى باهتمام الكثير؛ وذلك بعد معرفة المتخصصين أن الغاية من أصول القانون اعتباره أداة للوصول إلى الحق، مشيرًا إلى أن بعض المختصين في علم القانون، يرون أن القانون الفرنسي متأثر بنسبة كبيرة في صياغة أغلبية مواده بالمذهب المالكي.
وقال الدكتور أحمد الصقيه خلال محاضرة ألقاها صباح أمس في خميسية حمد الجاسر، وأدارها الدكتور عبد الله الطويل: "إن هدف الشريعة الإسلامية وسعيها في تحقيق العدالة أسمى وأشمل من كل القوانين الوضعية، وإن كانت تلك القوانين أقدم منها تاريخيًا، كما يشير البعض إلى قِدَم القانون الروماني عنها، وأن بعثة الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم - جاءت لتتمم مكارم الأخلاق واحترام الشريعة للقوانين والأعراف السابقة، إلا ما يتعارض مع الفطرة الإنسانية التي تتوافق والتشريع الرباني الصحيح".
ولفت الصقيه إلى أن هناك انفصامًا كبيرًا بين دارسي الشريعة ودارسي القانون، ولعل من أهم أسبابه غياب مواد القانون في كليات الشريعة من جهة، وغياب أساسيات الفقه وأصوله عن كليات الحقوق؛ ما وسّع فجوة النزاعات بين الجانبين، مشيرًا إلى أهمية دمج مناهج الشريعة والقانون أسوة بالجامعات المصرية التي كان لها قصب السبق في ذلك، بتأسيسها كلية الشريعة والقانون قبل 50 عامًا؛ ما يتيح المجال للتقارب بين الجانبين وشمولية الفهم لديهم لتخفيف الاحتقان الراهن، فالشريعة جاءت لحماية الحقوق، والقانون يمشي في ذلك الإطار.
وسرد المحاضر وجهات نظر مختلفة في تقييمهم تلك العلاقة، فمنهم من يرى وجود فرق بين الشريعة والقانون، وآخرون يرون عدم وجود أي فرق بينهما، وثالث يحاول الجمع والتوفيق بينهما.
وأكد الدكتور أحمد الصقيه، أن الشريعة الإسلامية تتفق مع الشرائع والقوانين والأديان كافة، التي توافق الفطرة السليمة والعقل الصحيح، ومن الطبيعي أن يتفق الناس من مختلف الشرائع والأديان على قوانين موحدة، نظرًا لتوافق الفطرة الإنسانية مع التشريع الإسلامي؛ لأنه تشريع رباني وضعه خالق الإنسان، بينما أغلبية القوانين الوضعية تتعثر لأنها من صنع البشر أنفسهم.
وأشار إلى أن أحد المخارج الجميلة كان إنشاء دبلوم يعادل الماجستير الوظيفي في معهد الإدارة العامة لدراسات الأنظمة القانونية، مؤكدًا أن الجامعات كانت السبب الأول في هذا التأزم، فدارسو الشريعة لم يتعلموا أبجديات العمل القضائي، بينما تغيب أسس الفقه عن دارسي القانون.
واختتم حديثه بأهمية وجود الخبرة والممارسة في صياغة الأنظمة والقوانين تحت مظلة الشريعة الإسلامية، والسعي إلى الاستفادة من جميع القوانين، ومنها الدولية التي تعقد بموجبها الاتفاقيات والمعاهدات الدولية.
وفي النهاية، أشاد الدكتور الصقيه بجهود الشيخ محمد بن إبراهيم آل الشيخ، مفتي الديار السعودية الأسبق، بصياغته أنظمة القضاء، والشيخ السنهوري ومصطفى الزرقا في صياغة الأنظمة بالطرق القانونية وفقًا لمبدأ النظريات، وابن جزي المالكي في كتابه "القوانين الفقهية"، وغيرهم من العلماء.

There is a conflict between Shariah authorities and non-Shariah legal experts in areas such as legal studies, methodology and execution of law in Kingdom, according to Ahmed Al-Saqih, a Saudi legal expert.

He stressed the need to close the widening gap between the Islamic legal system and the manmade legal system, and ending the disputes between the two sides.

“Even the word ‘manmade law’ was unacceptable for some Shariah experts in the past,” Al-Saqih said in a lecture delivered at the Hamad Al-Jassar Center yesterday. “The situation has now changed, especially after legal experts have realized that the non-Shariah law also has the goal of reaching at just legal rights.”

The lecture was steered by Abdullah Al-Taweel.

Al-Saqih’s lecture coincides with continuing efforts by the Saudi government to streamline the Kingdom judicial system and codify criminal and domestic laws.

Al-Saqih added that they also have realized that French law is influenced to a considerable extent by the Maliki school of thought.

“The goal of Islamic Shariah and its effort to achieve justice is loftier and comprehensive than all manmade laws, even if some manmade laws such as the Roman law are older than the Shariah,” Al-Saqih said. “On the other hand, the message of the Prophet (peace be upon him) came to perfect all the noble qualities.”

The expert also deplored the large divide between the students of the Shariah and the students of the positive law.

He attributed this chasm to the system of study at universities. Where the positive law is taught, the Shariah law is not included. The same is the case with the institutes where the Shariah is taught.

The expert stressed the importance of a merger between the syllabi of the Shariah and law schools as Egyptian universities have been doing over the past 50 years.

This kind of approach will pave the way to bring the two legal systems closer.


revert of many years
assalam a laykum
i am happy to come back to this siste and find many people trashing saudi,...
one most of you have never lived or even visited saudi
two most of you do not know the deatials of this case

we can blame her country and those that send young girls underage for employment
we can blame the saudi family for employing an underage girl...
we can bolame saudi authorities for not giving a fair trial

but noone knows the real truth

for your information the saudi stystem does not just say shes guilty and execute her
they examine and reexamine the case many times,,,

second icannot believe that no translator /interpreter could be found,,,,,as ther would be thousands of people from her country in saudi and sure someone speaks arabic and sri lankan....

so do not be so quick to judge


revert of many years
please sisters and brothers do not paint all saudi women as the same...yes there are many who do nothing but shop and party while people take care of thier children
but not all are the same there are many highly educated saudi women who work and look after their neighbour is one such example.....
and if they want to have maids why not
in the past in amerioca people had slaves and in britain servants especially upper class
in many parts of world people have servants...including countries like india

and western women go to work and leave their children at childminders or nurseries prefeerring to be living their whats the difference,