study tips


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum

I know this has nothing to do with Islam but any of you brothers (and sisters) are now in college? Could you guys give me study tips especially for math?


Muslim Guy
For maths, the best way to get a good grip of the material is to keep going practice questions. HEAPS and HEAPS of practice questions.


Staff member
wa alaykum salam

yes, what you going to study?

1. Remember Allah, always keep Islam number 1 priority in everything we do.

This is important because i remember that i was the only Muslim who would leave to pray during busy coursework times. - There was a big rush to get some work done, it was one of those busy times when each minute counted. Yet, I stopped to go pray, when i asked my friends they said no. Normally they would go, but this time, their work came ahead of their Islam. I felt so saddened by this, but there wasnt really much i could say. Alhamdulillah, i got 95% for that assignment, and i only did it in 2 days! They got mediocre results. Then again, they aint as cool as me ;) are they are they? NOOO they not... okaaaaay....

- Remember, that nothing is possible without Allahs aid and mercy. -

2. Study :) do not procastinate. Meaning, do not leave things to last minute...... Spend time everyday to read and do some work. Read over your lecture notes each day.

Sounds easy to do, hard to carry out. But, if you want to be the best student, thats what they do! I have never done it.. lol But, i soooo wish i could go back in time and study properly. If you study properly and give it your best, then you will not feel later on bad with yourself.

Then again, this is what Allah has intended, its Allah who provides for the birds and the animals, Allah will provide for us too. So dont beat yourself too down if you did something wrong. Remember, that Allah will help you, sometimes great things can happen that you would never have imagined happening. May Allah make that for you.

3. Choose your friends wisely. Once you go university, you will notice people are not as you first think. A lot of them (including unfortunately some Muslims) are your friends just for their own selfish reasons to do with work. - so make sure you understand the politics and use it to your own advantage and not be taken advantage of.

Course, if you study hard you wont need to depend so much on other student's help.

4. Teachers / Lecturers.... Are always approachable. Dont let things slip, go see them. Make an appointment to see them. They will explain things, its their job and remember you are paying for this!! Dont be scared if you do not understand anything, other students feel same as you!! except they are too chicken to admit it ;) . Just go and see your teacher.

5. Practise..Just as the brother dna1987 said, practise:) You cant be Monet or Picasso over night, you got to practise. If you are studying Computer Science, practise is important otherwise you end up like me .. lol, a Computer Scientist who can not program to save his pet cat. Thats if there are any evil scientists who may wish to take my imaginary cat. So, whatever discipline you are in, you must be good at what they teach you.

There is nothing wrong with studying, dont copy other students who do not study. Do your own thing, take responsibility and dont pay attention to others.

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