Tests, Trials and Tribulations In Life.

Abu Fauzi

Junior Member
As-Salaam alaikum,
In the second verse of Surat Mulk of the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala says :

"(He) who created death and life to test you (that He may try) which of you is best in deeds" (67:2)

Allah Ta'ala checks all humanity... every single human being to see who is going to do the best of deeds, the best of works.

Looking at trials and tribulations that we go through in everyday life, most of it is suffering in physical forms : illness, diseases - or spiritual : Allah can take away one's mind, Intellect or other things can severely be tested on your family and/or finances. In these trials and tests, we have to succeed. How can we succeed?

If we do good works in these tests/trials and tribulations, then Allah Ta'ala is pleased with us. How do we do that?... turn our tests or sufferings into a pleasure of our Lord? The Noble Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, told us how to do that in his hadith where Mu'az ibn Jabal, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said :-
"The keys to Paradise are the witnessing that LA ILAHA ILLALLAH.. there is no god but Allah." (Ahmad).. Therefore, when we are going through a difficult situation at hand and we pull ourselves together and say: 'La-ilaha illallahu', what are we thinking?

By saying or reciting that beautiful KALIMA, we acknowledge that He is the One in full control, we are saying : 'O my Lord, You are our God, the One in full control, La ilaha illallah - - I cannot do anything.

Indeed, "Nothing is hidden from your Lord (so much as) the weight of an atom on the earth or in Heaven" (10:61).

Here, Allah is saying:' Nothing escapes Me'! not even the weight of an atom on Heavens and on Earth. So when we say 'La-ilaha illallah' during a test or trial, we are really saying : 'O our Lord, nothing escapes You! You are hearing, seeing and knowing what I am going through and I want Your Pleasure, so if You deem this necessary for this to happen to me, I am submitting.

And of course, when we recite,' LA ILAHA ILLALLAH ' in the middle of a disaster, we enter the Fort of Allah Ta'ala, as the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, told us in a Hadith-Qudsi : "Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, says LA ilaha illallah is My Fortress, whoever enters My Fortress is safe from My Punishment". (Ibn Najjar).