thank you


New Member

Thank u every1 for your advise about beeing gay.

Here problem number 2, i can control myself by not looking at boys but my best friend is a boy and i love him 2 bits i cant see life without him.
anyway afew months back me and my friend got into a big arguement which after that we stoped talkin 4 afew months and it looked like we will never talk to each other again. he was a good friend and i made dua that we become friends again not only did we become friends we become brothers.

Now i dont know if i love him as a brother (and i truly do want him as a brother) or is it due to the gay feelin i have. what do i do how do i find out.




Servant of Allah

Man, i'm just gonna tell truly what i think you should do. look i don't just believe in people, but i believe that you have the strength to control yourself. you just gotta believe. If you truly think of Akhira and you look deep into how much the enemy (shaytan) hates us, you'll be able to get rid of those gay feelings. I mean just think...."if you did have another boy as a relationship partner, look back and think....what benefits will come out of one guy with another guy. Also always remind yourself of hell fire, and how bad the torment will be; brother you can be strong enough to defeat these feelings. i really truly believe that. i don't know you, yet i have a great feeling that you can do this. As for your friend, whether you made the mistake or whether he made the mistake that broke you should apologize to him, and tell him "brother, Akhira awaits for all of please lets forgive one another". the ummah has already fallen apart, we don't want hatred between ourselves. Please pm me. i would like to talk with you.
Sincerely your sister in Islam.:tti_sister:
PS: Always keep in mind about Akhira. Say no to shaytan, and do not be afraid. Study the deen for it is a cure for all things. Ponder on the quran and the meaning of it. inshaAllah there is no doubt that the Quran is a cure for everything. pm me as soon as possible.