~ The Greatest Generation ~


Staff member
Assalamu’alaykum wa rahmatullaah,

This excercise will be to increase our knowledge and love for the Greatest Generation that ever walked this earth: The Sahaabah.

What you do:

- Post three facts about any of the Sahaabah/Sahaabiyaat, we will guess which one it is you’re talking about based on that information. Simple as that.
- Try to use own knowledge and books as much as possible for this game, use internet sparingly. (Wanted to ban the use of the net to find answers in this game..we'll see how it goes)
- Remember only 3 facts, no more hints/tips/clues allowed.
- Stay on topic ..

Okay Bismillaah, Ill begin, the Sahaabi I am thinking of..

1) Was known by some as the ‘left handed one’ but in some reports it says he was ambidextrous (could use both hands equally well)
2) A quote by him is as follows: ‘Make a noise or do not make a noise! By Allaah, I will not feed you until every muslim child has eaten and is full!’ ____________radiAllaahu an, addressing his hungry stomach.
3) Abdullaah Ibn al Masood (r) said about this Sahaabi: __________ conversion was an opening, his hijrah was a victory, his reign was a mercy"

The person who can guess this Sahaabi must be the one to choose another of the Sahaabah or Sahaabiyaat and post 3 facts about them. (Don’t make it too easy, try to choose things which are not common knowledge)

...full steam ahead!


Junior Member
:wasalam: It's 'Umar Ibn Al Khattab (may Allaah be pleased with him). <3

1) This Sahaabi was stabbed by an arrow whilst praying. He calmly pulled out the arrow and carried on with the recitation. The enemy shot another two arrows, where he then pulled them both out calmly. After his salah, he woke his companion, Ammar. When Ammar asked him why he didn't wake him up when he was hit by arrows, ___________ said "I was in the midst of reciting verses of the Quran which filled my soul with awe and I did not want to cut short the recitation. The Prophet had commanded me to commit this surah to memory. Death would have been dearer to me than that the recitation of this surah should be interrupted."

2) This Sahaabi was a Mujahid.

3) This Sahaabi became shaheed in the battle of Yamamah.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
As-salamu 'Aleykum- Ammaar Ibn yaasir gave me a big hint- so It's 'Abbad Ibn Bishr May Allah be pleased with him right?
'kay, it's my turn-

1. His well known tribe lived in waddan valley.
2. -------was the first to greet the Prophet saw with the greeting of Islaam.
3. And when He passed away, the Prophet saw had said: "The earth does not carry nor the heavens cover a man more true and faithful than-------"

^ I made it so simple, it should be easy :)


Staff member

Apologies, I didn't mean to hold up the game ..

1) This 'Flower of Quraysh' was tied up and confined to his home by his own mother when she learned of his conversion to Islaam.

2) He was heard saying .. وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلَّا رَسُولٌ۬ قَدۡ خَلَتۡ مِن قَبۡلِهِ ٱلرُّسُلُ on the battle field as he continued to fight at Uhud when the rumour spread that Muhammad :saw: had been killed by the mushrikeen. These words were revealed as part of the Qur'aan later on.

3) ..this Sahaabi is one of al-fajr's all time favourites. (Still a fact =P)


Staff member

It's Mus'ab ibn 'Umayr radiAllaahu anhu! I actually knew this one but was delayed because I couldnt think of my own three questions which wouldnt be too easy! (PS... he's one of my favorites too lol)

Okay so here are my three questions:

1) This Sahaabi was known only by his nickname and his grandfather's name.

2) He was the first one to be called the Amir of Syria

3) In the battle of Badr this Sahaabi was forced to fight against his father who had sided against the Muslims. He tried to avoid him, but in the end was compelled to meet his father face to face and fight him ... ultimately killing him and having an ayaah of the Qur'aan revealed in regards to it.

(sorry if that last clue seems a bit jumbled... I blame the lateness in hour lol)



to Allah we belong

^ Abu Ubaydah Amir bin Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah.

who is he?
1. he was known as abdu shams before accepting Islam.

2. he was fond of cats.

3. the one who went crying to prophet :saw2: because his mother did not accept Islam.

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!

^ Abu Ubaydah Amir bin Abdullah bin Al-Jarrah.

who is he?
1. he was known as abdu shams before accepting Islam.

2. he was fond of cats.

3. the one who went crying to prophet :saw2: because his mother did not accept Islam.

wild guess:hadhrat abu hurairah(fond of cats right!!:confused:)


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
^^yes ukhty, I believe it was Abu Hurairah r.a.....can I do the next one then sis?, or you can do it if you wanted to- like the thread's rule says.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
As-salamu 'Aleykum!^thanks then sis

1) This sahaabi was chosen as one of the best archers at the battle of Uhud, and to urge him on, the Prophet saw said-"Shoot,---- ...may my mother and father be your ransom."
2)These ayahs were revealed after the incident of his mother not accepting the fact that HE accepted Islam;"And we enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents. In pain upon pain did his mother bear him and his weaning took two years. So show gratitude to Me and to your parents. To Me is the final destiny.
"But if they strive to make you join in worship with Me things of which you have no knowledge, obey them not. Yet bear them company in this life with justice and consideration and follow the way of those who turn to Me. In the end, the return of you all is to Me and I shall tell you (the truth and meaning of) all that you used to do." (Surah Luqman, 31: 14-15).
3)And as the time of his death approached, he asked his son to open a box, in which he had kept a course woolen jubbah and said: "Shroud me in this, for in this (jubbah) I met the Mushrikin on the day of Badr and in it I desire to meet God Almighty."

^got some of these info frm this very forum


Staff member
^ The answer is Sa'ad Ibn Abi Waqaas radiAllaah anhu.

- This Sahaabi had not accepted Islaam at the battle of of Badr and was taken captive during that battle.
-'Umar ibn al Khattab radiAllaah anhu, on knowing that this man was taken captive said: 'Rasulullaah, allow me to pull out ________________ two incisors so that he may never be able to speak out against you after this day!'
- Rasulullaah :saw: replied: ' Certainly not! I will not mutilate anyone lest Allaah mutilate me even though I am a Prophet' and ' 'Umar, perhaps ____________ will do something in the future that will please you'

It would be good if someone could not only post who it is but what it was exactly this Sahaabi did which made the suggestion of Rasulullaah :saw: in point number 3, eventually come true.

Wa-alaykum salaam


Staff member

The above Sahaabi I was hoping someone would know is Suhail Ibn 'Amr radiAllaah anhu.

Anyone can go next ..I hope we can concentrate on Islaamic quizzes as opposed to non-islaamic random ones (if we must at all!)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Maa shaa' Allaah

A great thread. Ok my turn. Here are three traits of the Sahabi I have in mind,

1) He was related to `Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab by blood, through his grandfather.
2) He was related to `Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab through wedlock, being married to his sister.
3) His father died upon the religion of Ibraaheem, before Islaam but had met the Prophet (sall Allaahu `alayhi wasallam).


Used to be active here!
true :)..

also one has to look up only among those 10 blessed shahabis.. :)

EDIT : oh! now you have edited the clue. but lucky me.. i saw the easiest clue before you edited it... may Allah reward you..


Staff member

It would be good if someone could not only post who it is but what it was exactly this Sahaabi did which made the suggestion of Rasulullaah :saw: in point number 3, eventually come true.

Wa-alaykum salaam

The above Sahaabi I was hoping someone would know is Suhail Ibn 'Amr radiAllaah anhu.

Needed to look it up again to find out the full answer to the post I made.

We all know how when Rasulullaah :saw: passed away in Madeenah, 'Umar Ibn al Khattab proclaimed, 'Whoever says Muhammad :saw: has passed away I will cut off his head!' and Abu Bakr radiAllaah anhu was the one to not only calm 'Umar (r) down, but others too.

When the news reached Makkah of the Prophet :saw: death, there were similar reactions to what 'Umar radiAllaah anhu's reaction had been in Madeenah. Suhail Ibn Amr radiAllaah anhu was the one to bring people to their senses with his clear words, he played the same role in calming people down as Abu Bakr radiAllaah anhu had done in Madeenah.