Assalamu’alaykum wa rahmatullaah,
This excercise will be to increase our knowledge and love for the Greatest Generation that ever walked this earth: The Sahaabah.
What you do:
- Post three facts about any of the Sahaabah/Sahaabiyaat, we will guess which one it is you’re talking about based on that information. Simple as that.
- Try to use own knowledge and books as much as possible for this game, use internet sparingly. (Wanted to ban the use of the net to find answers in this game..we'll see how it goes)
- Remember only 3 facts, no more hints/tips/clues allowed.
- Stay on topic ..
Okay Bismillaah, Ill begin, the Sahaabi I am thinking of..
1) Was known by some as the ‘left handed one’ but in some reports it says he was ambidextrous (could use both hands equally well)
2) A quote by him is as follows: ‘Make a noise or do not make a noise! By Allaah, I will not feed you until every muslim child has eaten and is full!’ ____________radiAllaahu an, addressing his hungry stomach.
3) Abdullaah Ibn al Masood (r) said about this Sahaabi: __________ conversion was an opening, his hijrah was a victory, his reign was a mercy"
The person who can guess this Sahaabi must be the one to choose another of the Sahaabah or Sahaabiyaat and post 3 facts about them. (Don’t make it too easy, try to choose things which are not common knowledge)
...full steam ahead!
This excercise will be to increase our knowledge and love for the Greatest Generation that ever walked this earth: The Sahaabah.
What you do:
- Post three facts about any of the Sahaabah/Sahaabiyaat, we will guess which one it is you’re talking about based on that information. Simple as that.
- Try to use own knowledge and books as much as possible for this game, use internet sparingly. (Wanted to ban the use of the net to find answers in this game..we'll see how it goes)
- Remember only 3 facts, no more hints/tips/clues allowed.
- Stay on topic ..
Okay Bismillaah, Ill begin, the Sahaabi I am thinking of..
1) Was known by some as the ‘left handed one’ but in some reports it says he was ambidextrous (could use both hands equally well)
2) A quote by him is as follows: ‘Make a noise or do not make a noise! By Allaah, I will not feed you until every muslim child has eaten and is full!’ ____________radiAllaahu an, addressing his hungry stomach.
3) Abdullaah Ibn al Masood (r) said about this Sahaabi: __________ conversion was an opening, his hijrah was a victory, his reign was a mercy"
The person who can guess this Sahaabi must be the one to choose another of the Sahaabah or Sahaabiyaat and post 3 facts about them. (Don’t make it too easy, try to choose things which are not common knowledge)
...full steam ahead!