
Fixing da foundation
Assalamualaikum everybody - a very interesting read :)

In his book, Ancient Views on the Origin of Life, Ernest Abel says that the Greek Miletian philosophers before Socrates drew their concepts of evolution in the context of the creation of the universe from the leaders of even more ancient Egyptian, Babylonian or Sumerian religions… For that reason, he adds, EVOLUTION IS IN NO WAY A MODERN DISCOVERY, but rather a modern form of a world (superstitious) religion that has denied belief in Allah (God) in before the dawn of history… And he goes on to state:

“Although it is customary to credit the inception of this theory to Charles Darwin and his immediate predecessors, a rudimentary form of this notion can be traced back to the beginnings of written history itself.” i

This paper sets out the superstitious beliefs of the pagan religions from which Darwinism stems. Surely Allah is beyond all the beliefs described and all the terms employed in the quotes cited.

Darwinism did not begin with the theory established by the amateur observations and investigations of Charles Darwin and other scientists in the 19th century. Its origins go back to much earlier materialist philosophies. Darwinist beliefs were first encountered a few thousand years ago in the polytheistic and materialistic religions of Greece and Sumeria. One can also encounter the fundamental beliefs of the theory of evolution in various superstitious myths (Hindu, Jain, Inca etc.). For example, beliefs based on unscientific and fictitious myths devoid of any scientific foundation are also to be found in the theory of evolution. These include the ideas that all life emerged spontaneously from water as the supposed result of blind chance, that plants, animals and human beings all share a common ancestor, that human beings are supposedly descended from fish, and that all life forms appeared gradually, over a very long period of time, and quite by chance. Charles Darwin was not, therefore, the originator of the theory of evolution. He was the person who again raised all superstitious, pagan beliefs that had been around for hundreds of years once again in the 19th century, under the name of the theory of evolution.....
