The Stickies On This Forum - And Help Needed...

Asalamualikum All,

I'm wondering if the moderators of this site can consolidate all the stickies into one major sticky? They're a bit... too much.


Also, Inshallah, by the Grace of Allah (swt) I am buying a house and will be moving in soon Inshallah. However, although it is close to my parents, I want to see if a couple sisters are willing to live with me, rent rooms from me.

Anyone here interested? I live in Sacramento, California.

If not, does anyone know how I can advertise to good Muslim sisters who need a place to stay around my area?

Jazakallah, :SMILY34:



Junior Member
Salam alaykoum,

Sorry, I do not understand what de you mean by sticky :angryred:


The forst few threads in each forum are a "sticky." This means they stay at the top of the forum page even if no one posts to them for a long time. Often it s because it was a very important topic and knowledge can be spread easier this way.




Staff member
wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah

We've done this before, placing them all in one post, but often what happens with this is people never check the 'one' sticky thread! However, if it really get's too much we'll check into it inshaAllah and see what we can do.

As for the latter, sorry ukhti I dont live in that area :)



Junior Member

The forst few threads in each forum are a "sticky." This means they stay at the top of the forum page even if no one posts to them for a long time. Often it s because it was a very important topic and knowledge can be spread easier this way.



Salam alaykoum,

Braka Allah fiki sister Sarah :SMILY34: