Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
We are all mUslims and a thread dedicated to "deviated sects" is horrible Astafurllah!!!!! When are people gonna to get it we are all one Ummah and we are getting ourselves nowhere with threads like this. After all this is not what is going to unite us, the West gives Islam a bad name with all the media propaganda, look at all thats going on around us!! When are we going to learn???????????????
Assalamualaikum warahmatuulah
Im sorry about this.
I agree with u partly , but still we need to warn others .
W-Salam Alkathiri,
I haven't heard him in about 10+ years...Where did you get him from? People should listen to his course about marriage and Prophets; he is absolutely awesome...
He was the hittest dude in US in 90's.
P.S: I know brothers were trying to exchange pcitures; I look like how he looks (in the 1990's) but taller.
I was stopped so many times in New York in Mosques because they thought I was his younger brother!
then swapped Maulana for Madonna (Papa! Don't Preach...) : )
May we be forgiven for our past follys (Ameen). Ehsaan Elahi Zaheer's book "barelviyat" avaiable in urdu/hindi (and arabic?) is very good on the topic.
According to the book Ahmed Raza(founder of barelvis) has too many similiarities with the Shias to be dismissed as a coincidence...AllahuAa'lam