Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)
Asalaamu Alaykum

Dear brothers and sisters,

Alhamdulilah we have a lot of members who love sharing interesting and beneficial info on Islam and other topics. Unfortunately some of that information will be really difficult to read if you post all of it in one LARGE paragraph. It's not good for the eyes and most people will just skip right through it (I know I do) because no one wants to sit there and strain their eyes trying to read information that is in one large paragraph and that has small font.

Write in a way that will be easy for members to read and benefit from what you are posting, by...

*Using a good font that is easy to read.

*A good size font. If the font size is small or very small, it will be difficult to read.

*Use spaces between paragraphs! Please use spacing between paragraphs.That way, readers are able to grasp the information in small portions.

*Use bullet lists and numbers for even more easy reading.

It's not good when someone puts in a lot of time writing a lot of good content and posts it on here but no one even stops to look at because of the way it's written. So I hope those tips I gave will be helpful inshaaAllah :blackhijab::blackhijab::blackhijab: