What happened at the DNC


Smile for Allah


All in favour say no: And more than half said no. And then, "the majority says yes, so this motion is passed." I mean, what? That's all I understood - I have no idea what rules they suspended etc. And didn't the US always recognize Israel and Jerusalem????


Islam is a way of life
This is the craziest circus I've seen in my life.
What was the point of even "voting"? (I put voting in quotation marks because having like 500,000 people yell YAY or NAY is hardly voting, Ya Allah)
Politicians are liars.


Junior Member

The US has always recognized Israel but I am not sure about Jerusalem.


This also shows basically the worlds view on Jerusalem.
Assalaamu Alaikum,
Visitor to that place agrees, the conditions have been doctored to make it worser. And all fingers [praise or blame] point to the zionist extreme right. Giving Jerusalem to Israel, would not go well with Christians too. The documented history of Jerusalem spans 3 millenniums, and any solution biased by even a degree, will not bring peace.

Its reported extensively that Umar[R] refused to pray in the church, even when offered by the church authorities. There must have been a reason, to Umar(R) actions. And what to say about the wisdom behind changing the direction of Kibla from Jerusalem to Mecca... !

Here is an interesting write up of analysis about the authenticity of the incident between Umar (R) and patriarch of Jerusalem. http://www.roger-pearse.com/weblog/...h-in-jerusalem-in-case-the-moslems-seized-it/