what is your name? what does it mean?


what is your name? what does it mean?


Dear brothers and sisters hope you all wil be in good health inshallah...
As we all know that here most of the brothers and sisters does not mension their original names...so it wil be intresting if we introduce ourselves with actuall name with its meaning inshallah.....
Jazak Allah Kheriran


dear brothers and sisters i wil start with my one inshalah.

My name is Meraj or Meraj-ud-Din. i hope U all know the meaning of meraj as it is the Meraj (the night ascension of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him)wen Allah (SWT) took HIS Prophet Peace Be Upon Him to the seven sky. i was born wen this lailat-al-meraj falls in islamic calender.... so my parents gave me this name and mashaAllah i am happy with my name Alhumdulillah..



Junior Member

assalam alaykum brothers and sisters,

well my name Abdellah

Abd means slave or servant

allah of course is one of the greatest names of the almighty GOD.

so i keep myself being a servant of the almighty god as my name says.:)



Junior Member

my name's hager/hajar
my name 's islamic name..back to hajar whom the prophet Ibrahim..marry her..
i'm soossohappy to have this name...
that's all


Staff member

My first name is Nazim which means Intelligence , Power. I thinks that pretty much it :)




Turn To Islam
Salam alai kum,

My name is Suleyman which was also my grandfathers name.

Suleyman (as) is a prophet in the Qur'an who is known as King Solomon from the Bible. Judging from the similarities, the Qur'an and the Bible apparently describe the same person, however the accounts differ an a number of aspects. It is believed that Prophet Suleyman (as) lived only for 53 years.

In the Qur'an, Suleyman (as) is a son of the Prophet Dawud (King David in Bible). He is told to have learned much from his father, and subsequently made a prophet by God and given power over all creatures. He also gave him power over the Jinn's, birds, animals, and the wind. They all had to obey his orders. Allah (swt) also taught Suleyman (as) the languages of every living creature on earth.

He Ruled a large kingdom that extended south into Yemen, he was known throughout the lands for his wisdom and fair judgements.



Bosnian Muslimah
my name is just different from them all in here, my name just means NOTHING...LOL!...no idea what my parents were thinking and I won't tell it...too long!


Servant of Allah
Asalamu Alaykum. My name is Ni'mah which means blessings or loans. and i'm happy with it as well. asalamu alaykum.


Junior Member
Asslamu alaikum,
Very interesting,Halah is an Arabic name means the circle of light around the moon.


Junior Member

wow! sounds interesting, names and their meanings. Well my name is 'usman'. I know, my user name is Abdullah but hey, who isn't Abdullah, you, me, everyone:)

Anyhow, a baby 'bustard' is called usman. In case you dont know what a bustard is, click the link below.


Plus, usman was the third Khalifah of Islam. Furthermore, the Ottomans (the usmans) were the last caliphate of Islam before it was dissolved in the world war.

I hope thats more than enough on my name...:SMILY209:



Junior Member

My name is Taha my grandfather kept this name for me .there is also a chapter in Holy Quran by the name TA-HA this is also one of the 99 names of our beloved prophet Mohammed (pbuh) Alhamdullilah i am proud of it :) inshaallah also keen on making my self a good i mean a real good Muslim



Seek The Almighty
Asalmualikum my name is real is Sumaya

Sumayyah bint Khabbab - first 'shaheedah' (martyr) in Islam.
Was most noble examples of muslim womanhood and the first martyr of Islam was the female companion Sumayyah Bint Khabbab (may Allah be pleased with her).

"She is the mawla of Abu Hudhaifah ibn Al-Mughirah ibn Abd'Allah ibn Amr ibn Makhyum, mother of Ammar ibn Yasir.
She was the seventh one to accept Islam. Abu Jahl tortured her by stabbing her in the private parts and she died as a result of that. Therefore she was the first 'shaheedah' (martyr) in Islam. Yasir was a slave to Abu Hudhaifah, so Abu Hudhaifah married him to Sumayyah and they had Ammar, and Abu Hudhaifah freed his slave. Yasir and his wife and his son were all from the earliest people to accept Islam.

Ibn Ishaq stated in his 'Maghazi' that some men from the family of Ammar ibn Yassar narrated that Umm Ammar was punished by the family of al-Mughira because of her Islam. And she refused to leave Islam [and so she was punished ] until they killed her. The Prophet [sall'Allahu aleihi was salam] used to go to Ammar, his mother and his father when they were being punished at al-Abtah, during the month of Ramadhan in Mecca. He [sall'Allahu aleihi was salam] would say " Be patient oh family of Ammar- your appointed destination is Jannah."

Inshallah I too wish to die as a martyr. The best way to die.


Junior Member

My name is Lana, and depending on which etomology you want to use, it could mean many things

Latin = wool
Gaelic = rock
Irish = child or a beautiful place
Polynesian/Hawaiian = to float
Greek = light
Old German = precious
Slavic = light

So, I guess I am a precious child floating in a beautiful, well-lit place, wearing wool and a rock. LOL!




Junior Member
Assalam Alaikum,
My name is Almas. It means diamonds in a bunch of languages...Arabic, Russian, Turkish, Ethiopian (though spelt differently in Turkish and Ethiopian). I would like to believe that I'm very precious ;)

Assalam Alaikum


Junior Member

Asalam alaikum! My name is Sakeena and it means Tranquility, peace, God inspired Peace-of-mind, calmness masha'Allah. :hearts:


Sakeena :SMILY252:
