What's your degree or education background?


ancient one
Mashallah so much talent out here ,well I am not a graduate of any well know university .But Alhamdulilah I have a PHD in Motherhood and in being a good wife ,it is called Domestic Engineering and I have a masters :) I also am a school bus driver ,yup I drive one of those big yellow buses you see carrying at least 72 screaming and yelling children every day rain ,snow or what ever the weather is . at my age my biggest ambition is to wake up inshallah tomorrow and after that Allah only knows .


Junior Member
I have a PhD degree. I was a lecturer and will continue to be a lecturer too. However, the talents and achievements all in the hands of Allah.

Allah gave the degree, the knowledge, the Hidayah... What can we achieve without the will of Him? I pray to Allah continue to guide me, Amin!:tti_sister:


New Member
Salaam Bro/Sis,

I am a Medical Engineer, working in Maintenance of medical equipment. So nice to hear most of you are "over qualified".

It doesn't matter who we are as surely one day we will find ourselves standing infront of Allah and being accounted to what we were doing in this mortal world.

Keep up with strong faith. Ameen.



New Member
salams..im a student studying alimah cource im in my 4th yr plz all mke duaa 4 me inshallah by the end of the course i will inshallah have a masters degree in islamic phiology


New Member
salam aleikoum!!!

That will be great . Thats my ambition too .

It's been a long time i didn't come to this site , no time free, but now hemdoullah!

So i saw that you had the same ambition as me, just tell me about it, what do you do now?

Me i have succed my seconde year at the university in France and now i am doing a Bachelord in business Administration in Lincoln (UK), so for the moment hemdoullah , i have just arrived two weeks ago.

About learning Islam and particularly Tajweed and Qu'an i hoped to find somthing in UK but the is a small community, a was choked LOL but hemdoullah they were very welcoming.

Salam aleikoum Al Kathiri and the others (sisters and brothers)


New Member
Salam aleikoum

I just wish you the best
May Allah help you and make all easy fo you during your exam.
Mashallah that's good to learn about Islam , i really wish to do that after inshallah.

so good luck
salam aleikoum

Maryam Sayyidina

Junior Member
my education background is Japanese letter tough its getting hard for me to speak in Japanese unless the daily conversation.Any one can help me back to be able speak in Japanese?:SMILY176:


New Member
I am newbie


I have degree (Hon) in accountancy.. Alhamdulillah. 2008 is my eight years as accountant.. nice to know u all


New Member
Salam aleikoum

I just wish you the best
May Allah help you and make all easy fo you during your exam.
Mashallah that's good to learn about Islam , i really wish to do that after inshallah.

so good luck
salam aleikoum
jazakallah so much may Allah accept all your duaas and fulfill all your aims ameen

Living Soul

Junior Member

Alhamdolillah so many brave minds here. I felt proud to know all here are well educated and well informed MashAllah. May Allah SWT make this Ummah more strong Ameen. I have masters degree in (English Literature ), a graduate degree in Law, and currently doing masters in bussiness and commercial Law.
May Allah SWT make this task easy for me. Ameen.



New Member
Assalamu Alaikum

I am an Electronics and Communication Engineer,passed out in 2007. Working in Telecom Company in India from past 9 months... May Allah Bless all Muslims in a right Path...

seek of Allah

New Member
New TTI member

I am an Electronics and Communication Engineer,passed out in 2007. Working in Telecom Company in India from past 9 months... May Allah Bless all Muslims in a right Path...


I'm a new user, i registred previously but I have just got back my login details...(I had lost the password)
I'm a student at TELECOM institute in Morocco (we share the same thing brother ravoof :) )

my goal ==> Muslim Engineer:salah::inshallah:

looking forward to hear from you all TTI members

sorry for poor English :SMILY23:


New Member


Im practising doctor in my country.
I guess I can meet my bro/sis those are same profesion with me. So we can share any medical knowledges in this forum.

I havent go through this thread yet because too many pages to read :biggrin:

thank you

life is hope

New Member
al salam alikom

mashalla:ma: all people here has very good education i hope allah will help us to be good example for good muslim

i am interior design and furniture student applied arts faculty

i have been in it 3 years and there still 2 years to graduate:SMILY346:

but al hamdullah i have an auto CAD and 3D MAX course and iam working in the summer in interior design and architecture

i hope i can open my own furniture factory as my country (damitta) famous for it

i hope i will find some one how is working in my field here

your sister

