What's your degree or education background?


Junior Member

That's great! I'm proud of all of my Muslim brothers and sister, for indeed we're a balanced nation. May Almighty Allah put barakah in our careers.

I'm about to complete my Masters in Computer science inshaAllah.

Please I need our Du'ah

xMuSlIm GuRlx

Junior Member
wow.. i dont know what to say but MAASHALLAH for all the varied and talents everyone has and is pursuing may allah inshallah make it easy for us all... am still completing my studies please my brothers n sisters if you could please include a duaa for me during ramadhaan that inshallah allah makes it easy for me and grants me success with my studies and career ameen! Thank you all, everyone is in my duaas inshallah hope Allah accepts our repentance our ibaadaah, our fasts and strengthens our imaan inshallah ameen! *!*!*! :tti_sister:

Umme Ali

Junior Member
Salam to all,

Brother I have a master's in English Literature from Pakistan and a second master's in Administration in Educational Leadership from United States.




i am bachelor degree in chemistry of industrial... but what i am doing now is not related to profession...


New Member
i have social science degree. what a waste. three years and all my money gone, and i regret doing it.:(
now im planning to do masters in something, hoping to get something out of my degree.

Hilal Said

Junior Member
I am a Mechanical Engineer with more than two years experience in Industrial gases industry.

I have resigned since two weeks and will join Industrial Services company before the end of Ramadan insha Allah.

My current company name is Air Liquide. Do you know this company?

I noticed some brothers and sisters hold degrees in different fields and sometimes strange fields specializations.

Masha Allah


New Member
Salam alaykoum

I am currently preparing a master degree in Translation Arabic/French/English, looking to go for higher degrees inshallah or other master degrees in other fields.


Junior Member
I am 5 classes (one class is the evil Statistics which I have yet to pass in three tries) away from a Bachelors in Political Science with a Minor in History. I am currently a full time house wife which I love but I would love to teach one day as well.


Nothing but Muslimah


I saw this thread long ago, but then I was just NOTHING on my educational background...:lol::lol: I mean I was waiting for the university entrench:biggrin::wink:

but ALAHMDULILLAH, now that I study some thing, so that I think I can post a reply.. :lol::lol:
ALHAMDULILLAH I am student of "Bachelors in Information Technology"
and INSHA ALLAH hoping to start my studies on journalism, INSHA ALLAH:muslim_child:

Make dua for me..



New Member
alsalam Alikom
I've Just graduated
i Studied American Accounting
now i'm Studing a CMA course(certified managerial accounting)
and it's so hard
Allah be with us all


May Allah Forgive us

I am studuying Electrical and Electronic Engineering. InshAllah I will be successful in using my knowledge for the help of the Ummah.


Junior Member

i dont see any eye specialists here!

i am currently going to begin my third year of uni this year. subhanallah i remember graduating from school just like it was yesterday! time sure does go fast..

i am undertaking a double degree. Bachelor of Health science and Master of Orthoptics . You might not hear about orthoptics but its like half optometrist and half opthalmologist. I chose it cause you can work in hospitals and clinics minus surgical procedures

Mashallah its great to see so many educated brothers and sisters. Our goal should be to benefit the muslims with what allah has taught us. My future goal is to apply for jobs in muslim countries maybe Malaysia or other arab states




well i finished high school in 2001 (i think lol)

i studied Office Administration and then completed a Legal Secretary Certificate III at Tafe as a traineeship so while i was working 5 days a week at a law firm.

also while working i completed Private Investigation Course which took 1 year part time night class. i came FIRST and got Distinctions in all my course.

i then worked at another law firm while looking for a job as an Investigator for an INsurance company doing Insurance Investigation claims or fraud investigation. it was hard to find a job because i was not experienced.

i met my husband and got engaged. he didnt want me to work as an investigator and asked me to study about the religion as it will benifet me more.

i started doing my own research and reading books on islam etc.

Last year i started my shariah course. unable to complete it because of my 2 kids they need constant attention. my son is going to private school this year inshallah, im looking at studying nursing to help children at local hospitals so i can get rewards from Allah because i heard doctors get good rewards or something.

but i'll try to complete my shariah course.


Junior Member
masha Allah
what a marvelous education background u have !

about me
I work as new teacher :)