when praying salah


New Member
after fatiha, when you can recite surahs, is there a minimum number of ayahs you have to recite? im trying to remember some of the smaller surahs, like surah 104, but only know upto ayah 7 so far... for example can i recite those 7 ayah or do i have do do the whole surah?


after fatiha, when you can recite surahs, is there a minimum number of ayahs you have to recite? im trying to remember some of the smaller surahs, like surah 104, but only know upto ayah 7 so far... for example can i recite those 7 ayah or do i have do do the whole surah?

Assalaamu alaykum

After faatiha you can recite any soorah you want. There's no minimum number of ayaahs. You can also recite only a few aayahs from a soorah. For example, if you want to recite sooratul baqarah, then you can do only 5 or 6 aayahs. You're not obliged to recite the whole soorah. I hope this answers your question inshaAllah.



New Member
thank you sister..

ok, i kind on knew that... but lets say for exaple surah an nas, what if i wanted to recite just 5 ayahs, would that be permisssible?

if im not mistaken i thought 4 was the minimum number, but im probably wrong


thank you sister..

ok, i kind on knew that... but lets say for exaple surah an nas, what if i wanted to recite just 5 ayahs, would that be permisssible?

if im not mistaken i thought 4 was the minimum number, but im probably wrong

You're welcome.

There's nothing saying that 4 is the minimum number. I know that for salaatu tasbih theres a minimum of 3 aayas in a rak'a.

wa Allahu a'lam


to Allah we belong

scholars says that minimum number of ayah is 3 as surah kawthar is shortest surah and has only 3 ayahs.

but sometimes even one ayah is enough if it is a long one. eg. ayat al kursi or two ayah like last two ayahs of surah baqarah.



scholars says that minimum number of ayah is 3 as surah kawthar is shortest surah and has only 3 ayahs.

but sometimes even one ayah is enough if it is a long one. eg. ayat al kursi or two ayah like last two ayahs of surah baqarah.

wa alaykumu ssalaamu wa rahmatullah

JazaakaLlahu khayral jaza'


saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah
sis on account of a hadith (m sorry i don't remember the reference no) one should recite minimum 3 ayaah but other hadith aslo mentioned that your prayers would be valid even if you "FORGET" to recite any ayaah after Al fatiah ..... Allaho a'lam bisawab


sis on account of a hadith (m sorry i don't remember the reference no) one should recite minimum 3 ayaah but other hadith aslo mentioned that your prayers would be valid even if you "FORGET" to recite any ayaah after Al fatiah ..... Allaho a'lam bisawab

Wa alaykumu salaam wa rahmatuLlah

After al faatiha it's not compulsory to recite Qur'an.

Reciting Qur’aan after al-Faatihah in prayer is not obligatory, either in a fard (obligatory) prayer or a naafil (supererogatory) prayer, whether the prayer is one in which Qur’aan is recited out loud or one in which it is recited silently, whether one is joining the prayer late or otherwise.

It was narrated that ‘Ata’ said: Abu Hurayrah said: In every prayer there is recitation. What we heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say, we tell you, and what he did not tell us about we cannot tell you. Whoever recites Umm al-Kitaab (i.e., Soorat al-Faatihah) has done enough, and whoever does more than that, that is better.

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 738; Muslim, 396.


wa salamu alaykum