Why should I fast Ramadan?‏



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Why should i fast Ramadan?

Every year, Muslims from all of the world waiting hot, this great month, because they know how great advantages and great rewards they are going to get in this month.

Here are some of the great rewards of this month that they know.

1. They know that the reward of Ramadan month is so great and no one can know the exact value of this reward except God, (Allah). Prophet narrated that Allah had said, 'All the deeds of Adam's sons are for himself, except the fast which is for me, (for that) I am going to give its rewards to him, by myself), which means He will be so generous while giving its rewards.

2. They know that who had fast one day for the sake of Allah, he will be far from the fire of the hell by seventy years, then how about fasting thirty days!

3. They know that the fast will be the intercession for them at the afterworld till it will take them to Paradise.

4. They know that there is a gate at the paradise. Its name is (Ray-yan). No one can enter from that gate except who were fasting at the world.

5. They know that the fast of Ramadan will erase all the sins that they did in their life.

6. They know that all the gates of paradise will be open at Ramadan month, and all the gates of the Hell fire will close at this month.

7. They know that whatever they may ask God about their wishes will be responded at Ramadan, (either soon or later).

For that, you find Muslims every year, trying all their best to be active in their worships through this great month, so that they will get, all the great rewards and advantages of this month.

Let me first give you some background knowledge about Ramadan.

Allah had ordered us to fast Ramadan at the second year of Hijra, (I mean the emigration of Prophet (PBUH) and his companions to Medina. By this emigration, the Islamic calendar had begun). It means that Allah had ordered us to fast Ramadan month before more than 1400 year.
Fasting the month of Ramadan, will help us to strive not to be astray to do sins. Also by it we will practice to get strength holding ourselves. (not to eat or drink from dawn till sundown for every day of this month). (Not to do intercourse with wife from dawn till sundown along all the days of this month). But both spouses can touch, hug and kiss each others, but they should hold themselves not to flash sperms, because that will break the fast of that day, but after the sundown till the dawn of each day of Ramadan, they can do intercourse and flash.

Knowing that, Allah had ordered Muslims to fast in two stages. First it was optional, any Muslim can do it or not, but after that it became an order to do it each year. (Of course except for who is ill or has reasonable reasons not to fast).

Allah had ordered us to fast, it was in two stages. First it was too hard like this.

If anyone, had slept after sundown, or he hadn't broken his fast till supper pray time; then he has to continue his fast till the next day, which means he neither can (eat, drink) nor he can do intercourse at night with his wife till he will break his fast at the next day, which it was harder than the fast that we are doing nowadays.

Once Omar ibn Al-khat-tab had come to his home and he asked his wife to come to the bed, but she told him that she slept after sundown. He told her, 'No you may not.' And he slept with her, but after that he recognized the mistake that he did. He went to Prophet asking him whether Allah will forgive him.
Another story had happened at that time also. He was aba Qays, who came home so tired, because of his work at his farm. However, while he was waiting the food, that his wife was preparing it, he slept, and he could not break his fast until the sundown of the next day, but next day while he was working at his farm, he felt so tired and he could not work and he fell down faint.
For that Allah had simplified the Fast by revealing this verse.

'Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and ye are their garments. Allah knoweth, what ye used to do secretly among yourselves, but he turned to you and forgave you. So now associate with them, and seek what Allah hath ordained for you, and eat and drink, until the white thread of dawn appear to you distinct from its black thread, then complete your fast till the night appears, but do not associate with your wives while ye are in retreat in the mosques. Those are limits, (set by) Allah, approach not nigh thereto. Thus doth Allah make clear his Signs to men, that they may learn self restraint.' (Cow Chapter, Verse 187).

And after this verse the fast became like how we are fasting now, which is just holding ourselves not to eat, drink, and not to do intercourse with wife for the period between dawn time and till sundown time. Without any other limitations, and at night spouses can do intercourse as I said.
Let us now know, ‘why we are fasting?’
Why Allah had ordered us to fast?
Allah had answered this question in verse 183 of Cow chapter in Koran.
'O, ye, who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self restraint.' (Cow Chapter, Verse 183)
It is to learn self-restraint, means so we will learn devoutness and be pious.
What does (to be pious) means?
There are lot definitions for the word (pious), but the simplest one is to let Allah find you where he ordered you to be, and not to find you where he forbade you to do.
For example, he ordered you to pray. Let him find you praying in time for each time of pray.
He ordered you to behave nice with your parents. Let him find you behaving like that.
He forbade you from alcoholic drinks. Do not let him find you drinking them.
After Ramadan, if you want to know whether Allah had accepted your Fast, look to yourself. If you found yourself that you became pious that means that your Fast had been accepted.
I do not mean that you have to be pious hundred percent (although all of us hope to get that), but I mean either if you found yourself worry to force yourself to apply small parts of your religion, that means your fast had been accepted.
But if you find yourself not care of forcing yourself to apply more of your religion and you find your self wants to return to do sins, that means that your Fast had not accepted.

Then we are Fasting to be pious.
If you fast correct Fast, you will find yourself more pious after Ramadan.
Allah had ordered us to fast this month to help us to practice, to be pious.
If you find yourself trying to apply more of your religion, (like trying to read more Koran, or trying to do more worships, or trying to apply more Islamic moralities. etc.) that means that your Fast had been accepted.
One may ask, 'What will happen if I will fast? And how the Fast will help me to be pious?'
Let me answer that like this.
Fast will give power to two things inside you, and it will weaken two other things inside you.
For that, you will be pious because of strength of those two things and the weakening of the other two.
Let me explain that in more details.
First, let me tell you what the definition of Fast is.
It is, forbidding ourselves from food, drinks and desires from downtime till sundown time.
If you fast correct, four things will happen with you.
First of those four things is that the control of your body on the soul. It will be weakened.
You may find this hard to be understood, but let me explain it in more details.

Allah had created all the other creatures from one substance.
He had created angels from light, Jinn from fire, and so on.
The only creature whom Allah had created him from two substances is the human.

The human had been created from two parts.

Body and Soul.
The body is the container and the soul is living inside the body.
In addition, the source of the body is the earth, but the source of the soul is a blow from up.
One of the sources is from down, (earth), and the other one is from the skies, (up).
However, there is a problem, which is.
The soul had been captured inside the body!
For that, It can not be happy, unless the body will help the soul !

As I said each one of the body are from different source, and each one of them has different food.
The foods of body are from the source that the body came from.

While the foods of the soul, are from the source that the soul came from.
The foods of body are eating, drinking, picnics, and relations.
However, the food of the soul are, remembering its creator, praising and glorifying Him, reading His Scripture, (Qu`ran), praying, fasting.
Note that, as how the body will become hungry for its needs, the soul also will be hungry for Allah. It needs to get its food, but the human insists to feed his body only!
For that, you will find yourself depressed and tired, either you are getting your body needs.
That is because you did not feed your soul!
People used to get body requirements, (picnic, fun, laugh), when they feel depressed or tired, but either going to here and there to get body desires, they will stay feeling same depressed feeling.
They are feeding their body, while their souls are which needs to get its food.
For that, the soul everyday is becoming worse, because the human is busy with his body requirements only.
Now, what is the relation of all that with the Fast?
By Fast, you will stop feeding of body, and this will let the soul to be free to get its needs.
Fast will make the soul free from the restrictions of the body.
Your soul will not be able to get its food, when you will fill stomach by food, and get your other kinds of body desires!
That food is what your soul needs to be inspired, but you are not letting your soul to get it!
For example, Qu`ran, (which is one of the foods that the soul need), will not be able to go inside you to inspire your soul, because the doors that Qu`ran want to use to reach to your soul are busy with body needs!
If Qu`ran wants to enter from the ear, it will find it full of songs and music.
If it will try to enter from the mind, it will find it full of troubles. Home, marriage, kids, family… etc.
If it will try to enter from the stomach, it will find it heavy, full of food.
Body needs had filled all the doors and there is no way for the foods of the soul to enter.
I do not mean that we have to leave body requirements, so that our soul can get its food, but what I mean is that we are not making any balance between the needs of both of them.
For that you may find two people standing stick to each other (praying in mosque), but one of them is fully concentrated while the other can never be concentrated, because he is busy to fulfill his body requirements only!
For that Allah ordered us to fast, so that our soul can be inspired getting its food, then the result will make us be more pious.

That is the main reason of the fast. It is to make us pious.

The first thing that the fast will do is that it will liberate your soul from the restrictions of your body.
When you will be filled, your body will be heavy and you will be lazy, also your mind will not be active.
What about, holding yourself from your sexual desires!
Most of the psychological scientists said, that the most driven power for the behaviors of the human, is his sexual desires.
Fast will stop these two main factors that is controlling you, means it will make the soul more free to be inspired with Allah.
Those were the two things that the fast will weaken them, but there are another two things that the fast will make them stronger as I said.
First of them is that the fast will increase your ability for striving.
You can go to the refrigerator and eat, but you are holding yourself.
Also, if the time of evening prayer is 5 PM (for example) and there is still two minutes to be 5 O'clock you will be patient waiting that exact time to eat.
Next day the time of breaking your fast may become 5 and three minutes, and you will obey waiting that exact time.
This will practice you for striving. This will practice you to be patient. This will practice you to be stronger against your desires. In addition, the result will be getting of stronger Faith.
The second thing is that, at Ramadan you will be closer to other faithful Muslims, and that will help you to be closer to Allah.
Being closer to religious people will help you to learn from them. It will help you to stop yourself from doing sins, which will help you to be righteous.
In addition, when you will be righteous, you will be pious.
Allah wants to practice us by fast, to get stronger faith.
What is the meaning of (to be pious)?
As I said, it is that Allah will find you, where he had ordered you to do, and not to be where he had prohibited you to do.


**I hope you enjoy reading and may Allah increase our knowledge
