Why your name?


aka Tree2008
As salamo alaikome

When I first joined TTI my user name was Tree2008 which is the nickname for my actual name of Theresa=Tree and 2008 the year I first heard about Islam. I have recently changed my user name to Isra which is the Muslim name I chose after taking my shahada. Everyone calls me Isra now so its really my name just not legally.....YET!


Junior Member
Salam O alaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

wow Ma sha Allah nice to know your user name history lol
Mine is "Manaal e Afghan" Means "Achievement of an Afghan"
and the achievement is yet to be achieved Lol
In sha Allah

Thank you


Junior Member
This thread will be perfect for explaining things

I choose this name because i wanted to be muslim

I keep this name because i am and will always want to be muslim



Junior Member
I have very complex nature. even my family says we cant understand you. even myself cant understand what i am :D . man because i am a MAN :p.... i am complex_man


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaikum warahmatullaah!

^Your name's Abu `abdullaah!=]

Suhaanah was first the name of my neice. But then her mother changed it to Raihaanah despite my protests. So yeah, I chose it just cause I liked the name(though I still have no clue what it really means).


Junior Member
^Suhaanah is a nice name. :D According to Google, it's some sort of a "Star" in Arabic.. I have no idea.. :p

And my username is AllahKnowsBest.. Obviously, Allah does know best & we should always remember that! And the "x"s .. The name was already taken so I added two "x"s onto it, plus it's cool that way. :cool: Lol jk.


My username is kashif_nazeer because it's my real name, Kashif is my first name and Nazeer is my grandfather's name. :)


Used to be active here!
<<< this is my real name ('_eh' is just for the sake of it as ilyas is taken).. only that it is spelt in a different way in my passport. I had my original name as my username but i had it changed because of privacy issues (cos my name combination is unique..hehe..)

Just a Guy

Reinventing Myself
You guys using your real names have some stones, I'll tell you. Putting yourself out there like that takes some guts.


I'm not what you believe
When I reverted to Islam I chose Hayat as my islamic name,because before becoming muslima my life was a disaster,so I decided to start from zero.and the number 84,is the year of my birth:muslim_child::wasalam:


Islam is a way of life
Alf are my initials. I think it is a cute nickname.
Although some people think I am a male because of the name, haha.


as-salam 'alaikum warahmatu-llah

my name is Saiful Islam (sword of Islam) and Khan is my family name!

@sister alf2: cute nick name, with a pink rose, I dont know how people make this mistake, he he, may be they read it alif!


good thread!


^Actually, that's what I thought as well.

ShahnazZ is the correct pronunciation of my name which is spelled Shehnaz. It's supposed to be pronounced and spelled ShAhnaz and I added the Z at the end because at the time, I had this weird fascination to have the first and last letter of a word be the same size. Somewhat "completes" the word for me :)


<<< this is my real name ('_eh' is just for the sake of it as ilyas is taken).. only that it is spelt in a different way in my passport. I had my original name as my username but i had it changed because of privacy issues (cos my name combination is unique..hehe..)

I always thought you were a Canadian,brother,because of eh.