Recent content by alya

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    ||||||Colors Game ||||||

    sun peach.
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    Islamic ways of getting married?? NEEED help!!!

    marriage :salam2:i agree she should talk to her mother,how old is she anyway?Islamically the parents do find someone for there daughter or ppl come and ask.:blackhijab::wasalam:
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    :ma:So tru im smiling and reading ths has made feel loads better,and a big smile for you.:SMILY259:
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    Mashallah very true may Allah swt bless you and giv you more knowledge ameen.Remember me in your duas jaza khalla khair.
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    Asalam alaikum

    Asalam Alaikum every1.I was looking for a islamic website this seems really good hope it helps with islamic hings hope to hear from you soon.Allah Haffiz