Recent content by AndiRB

  1. AndiRB

    How can we support Palestine?

    Thank you for advice Jazakalluh khairan, for giving good advice. I didn't know the du'a yet, neither the hadith. Inshallah we can increase our Iman and try to stick together, so that we can support each other. Ma'a salama
  2. AndiRB

    How can we support Palestine?

    As-salamu alaikum, As I don't know, if there is already a thread, please forward me to this. Watching todays news I was again struck by the horrible pictures and reports about the latest attacks against Palestine. Due to this I would appreciate any advise of how to support our brothers and...
  3. AndiRB

    Warum haben Sie knovertiert?

    Salam, Friede mit Dir Sophie, Das ist wirklich sehr schoen, dass Du Dich am Islam interessierst und vor allem auch Muslime um Information bittest. Vor meiner Konvertierung war ich auch katholisch. Nun ja direkt nach der Konvertierung war ich so unglaublich gluecklich und vor allem sehr...
  4. AndiRB

    republic of lakotah

    Not only them. We in Europe also shut our eyes to what is happening in the world most of the time. At least one can get around here in Europe due to social systems and so on (as long as you aren't illegal). May Allah help us to be more just and to open our eyes.
  5. AndiRB

    republic of lakotah

    Sorry, I didn't see your post I just really think it seems to be legal and out of justice is seems to be more than right. And they have already got on Venezuelan news, too. That was the only "international" press they've got as far as I have seen until now. Inshallah they find a way to...
  6. AndiRB

    republic of lakotah

    as-salamu alaikum, I just came across this, little late, though, but I wanted to know what do you think of movements like this: As there are many americans on this site I just wondered. I also thought of what might be an islamic view on this. Inshallah, we...
  7. AndiRB

    would you marry

    I not only would I am and around me are most of the couples mixed-culture marriages. Germany-Morocco, Spain-Algeria, Venezuela-Libia, Argentina-Syria.... It makes life a lot more interesting and I am personally learning each day something new about another culture, alhamdulilah. Ramdan mubarak
  8. AndiRB

    Omar Mukhtar : The Lion Of The Desert

    :salam2: Thank you so much for putting this video on. My husband was telling me so much about that movie but I never had the possibility to see it. barakalahu fik. :wasalam:
  9. AndiRB

    Gibt es hier in Deutschland noch regeln für das Kopftuch tragen?

    :salam2: Ich bin auch deutsche Muslima. Ich kann dir hier ein paar Quellen sagen zur Kleidungsvorschrift: Sure 33:59; hier wird das arabische Wort jilbab benutzt. Wenn du jetzt mal nach Marokko schaust und fragst, wie die langen Gewänder heissen, dann sagt Dir jeder Jilaba - gleicher...
  10. AndiRB

    what do american public think

    :salam2: Dear brothers and sisters from US, The problems which you're talking about are present in many countries. Actually I think that in all our capitalist societies the major problem is that the poor get poorer and the rich richer whereas the middle-class seems to be disappearing. I...
  11. AndiRB

    Saudi Sister shows her home and life

    :salam2: Has anybody read the book of Abdalrahman Munif "Cities of Salt" or the original title: "Mudin Al-Milh.At-tih". Though there are some passages which I have skiped due to its content, it describes very well how the western people invaded a culture without taking care of damaging their...
  12. AndiRB

    Cool & Easy-going Muslims?

    Salam Bruder, das stimmt, die WM war richtig toll. lol :) Möge Allah Dir wohlgefallen sein. :wasalam:
  13. AndiRB

    Cool & Easy-going Muslims?

    Ha, ha, ha I am married to an arab-rasit-wife-beater ;) and I must say that he is one of the coolest person I've met in all my live - but maybe I only think that way because I'm a boring German convert and basically everybody is more funny than us "nazis". I'm German so sorry if I offend some of...
  14. AndiRB


    I'm always amazed of how logical mind can't accept that there is such thing as a son of god. In Germany they did a research and found out that most of the converts are very intelligent people. And you are right, living islam gives you peace. At least I feel that way ;) - alhamdulilah. Just go...
  15. AndiRB


    :salam2: dear Kathy, actually there is something very peculiar about reverts, everyone has a different story to tell. It seems that Allah, God, chooses a very special way for everyone of us. A friend of mine was actually dreaming about her passed away father. She saw him dressed like a...