Recent content by annamaria

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    BISMILLAH,i have been asked to write about syria now that i live here .i must admit we all found it hard at first, all the family ,the children found school really hard and boring hard because they are working two years in front of their year,and boring because they do not do any art,or drama...
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    hi my name is tanith

    dear sister are any mosques near you so you can get help there and you have many books on salat in english you can also buy the quran like a little recorder and you can hear it and repeat it starts with small surahs there are qurans with translation and how to say it in arabic go to a good...
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    Do you love your mum or dad the best?

    do you love mum or dad the best salam to all i would say my mum she was a very caring person she had eight children and when my father died at the age of 43 she continued to look after us five who were still at home .mum could have got married but she refused she had a hard time raising us and...
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    italians reverts

    mashalla :ma::ma: :mashallah:i would like to thank all sisters and brothers who have welcomed me to this site i was just curious to see if there was any italians on this site .alhamdulilah i have found this site interesting .and i have looked at the alphabet i would like to start to learn...
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    Leggete e Partecipate!

    la tua risposta io sono da cosenza calabria e in inghiterra abitavo in worthing west sussex ora abito in siria ma ci ho casa ha worthing ancora mi fa paicere piacere trovare un italiana musulmana dimmi la tua storia se vuoi ciao annamaria
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    ora vi racconto come sono rivertita all islam essendo sposata con un siriano ascoltavo a quello che dicevono e parlavano tra di loro ma non ero convinta che islam era la vera religione pero con loro quando era ramadan non mangiavo perche mi sembrava brutto e non ho piu toccato carne di...
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    la realta essere musulmana la mia storia e lungha ve la scrivero piu tardi ora e tardi
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    Leggete e Partecipate!

    salam a tutti io sono italiana pero ho vissuto in inghlterra per 32 anni della mia vita .sposata con un siriano.alhamdulilah dopo tanti hanni sposata ho cercato di trovare al verita dopo tanto studio ho realizzato che islam e giusto ed e la vera religione .e con aiuto di dio mi sono...
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    italians reverts

    hi am annamaria i am italian just wanted to know are there any italians muslims or reverts in this site .may allah protects all the islam sites ameen