Recent content by anneesa

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    Salaam Alaikum, I posted up this poem on my blog and someone commented on it and I do not know how to reply to the commenter. I hope my brothers and sisters could shed some light as to how I should get about it. Jazakallah.
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    Ghuraba Nasheed Special Remix by

    Salaam..Can anyone direct me to the english translation of the song? I don't speak Arabic. Jazakallah :hijabi:
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    The Increase And Decrease Of Faith Iman

    Salaam, jazakallahu khayran for posting up that article. Muslims should realise that once Allah has given us Iman, we should work hard to keep it alive. :ma:
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    when you reverted...

    But the problem with this ukhti is that she is already married, then she decided to revert but only her and not the husband.
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    More Nasheeds

    :ma: They are beautiful.. Jazakallah for sharing :hijabi:
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    when you reverted...

    Salaam, like the question raised above, I have a similar query. If you are a muslim and your husband is not, then it is haraam for both to have any kind of intimacy with each other, is it not? Are they still allowed to stay under the same roof? Could someone shed some light onto this pls...
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    Muslim from Singapore

    :salam2: Selamat datang :) Selamat Hari Raya :hijabi:
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    Iman is like the flame of a candle

    :bismillah1: :salam2: Candles come in different shapes and sizes, in different lengths and widths, scented, non-scented, plain or colourful. Human-kind is as such that we too come in different shapes and sizes, different heights and widths, different race and religion, different skin...
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    Salaam from Australia

    Assalamualaikum seeking_peace1, Insya-Allah, as muslims we are suppose to help each other, regardless of the colour of our skin, the language we speak, our ethnicity, our race, we are all the sons and daughters of Adam Alaihisalam and the servant of Allah Azza Wajalla. :ma: When I decided to...
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    Salaam from Australia

    :wasalam: Jazakallah brother Mu2min. :hijabi: Well done in maintaning this forum and please keep up the good work. May Allah reward you for your efforts. Ameen.:ma: :salam2:
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    Salaam from Australia

    :wasalam: Terima kasih :) Selmat Hari Ray Aidilfitri kembali :salam2:
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    Salaam from Australia

    :wasalam: This forum is truly wonderful. I have learn so much and have felt so much love for our Deen from all the brothers and sisters in this forum. :ma: I thank Allah for guiding me to find this website. Alhamdulilah. :salam2:
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    Salaam from Australia

    :wasalam: Jazakallah. Thank you for the warm welcome. May Allah strengthen your Iman and increase your knowledge as well. :) Insya-Allah. :salam2:
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    Salaam from Australia

    :ma: Alhamdulilah. Jazakallah. :hijabi: Thank you for your warm welcome.
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    Salaam from Australia

    :salam2: Thank you brother :hijabi: