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  • Ma'af ukhti baru sempat balas. Oh iya saya tahu Adnin Armas.

    Adnin Armas, M.A menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Pondok Pesantren Modern Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo tahun 1992 dan melanjutkan ke Universitas Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), dalam bidang Filsafat. Memperoleh Sarjana dari International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC) bidang Pemikiran Islam (Islamic Thought) dengan tesis berjudul Fakhruddin arRazi on Time pada tahun 2003.

    Saat ini beliau adalah kandidat doktor di ISTAC UIAM aktif sebagai peneliti INSIST (Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought and Civilization). Karya beliau antara lain adalah: Metodologi Bibel dalam Studi al-Qur’an; Pengaruh Orientalis terhadap Islam Liberal. Di samping itu beliau sangat aktif menulis artikel-artikel ilmiah di beberapa majalah dan surat kabar di Indonesia.

    Barokallahu fiki ukhti..^^
    Assalamualaikum Sister.

    I'm currently studying in Jordan in Faculty of Dentistry for Bachelor Programme.
    Nice to meet you.
    Salaam Sister,

    How you've been? I've not heard from you for awhile so I hope you are doing well there insyaAllah! :D
    Assalamualaykum sis!!

    How are you once again. How's internship doing? I remember loving my internship days... now I have to face reality (ie: proper job =( Alhamdulilah of course =) ) Have a good long weekend Insha'Allah.
    Dear sister,

    Assalamualaikum, how are you?
    I just want to "drop in" and see how you are doing.

    Take care.
    Salaam Sis,

    Yes I am fine alhamdullilah! Well, good luck for your last assignment and exam!! Ooo.. you must be having a busy time now :( Hang on there, it'll be over soon ;) All the best!

    p.s. Yes, we can do it! I'm all about girl power haha.
    Salaam dear Sister!

    How are you? I hope you have completed your assignments :D Take care!!
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