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  • Salam alaikum dear sister! I was just cleaning out my inbox and I came across some old pms with you that really helped me get through a very difficult period that I had posted about in the Sisters' Section. I haven't really seen you around since then and I hope everything is alright with you inshAllah. Take care and jazakAllah khair again for all the amazing advice you gave me. May Allah reward you immensely :)
    As-salaamu `alaykum

    Sorry sister, I just noticed a year old PM in my inbox where you were looking for Muslims in West London I believe? I remember I was suppose to arrange my wife to meet you, but shortly after that PM was sent to you, we left the country! Alhamdulillaah we're back now and pray that all is well.

    Salam alaikom dear sister,

    It' s so nice to hear from you. Actually, I don't have much information abt this university. It's just that an American friend joined it last year, but am not sure how she's doing there. When I know any details I'll let u know isA. Sorry I don't hv much space in my PM box. Hope to hear fm u soon.
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