Recent content by fatimaflowers333

  1. fatimaflowers333

    Need help with my iman :(

    Assalamu Alaykum Sister Dear Sister: Highs and lows are part of Iman, there are hadith about it. I believe this happens to everyone. But it is our duty to Allah(swt) to work hard to bring up our Iman. I think it is especially hard when you have friends who are not muslim, because they...
  2. fatimaflowers333


    Assalamu Alaykum This is a very interesting subject. I have heard it many times before and many different opinions. I do think it is something that we should not declare haram or halal ourselves. I would take this question to the Imam at the mosque you attend and then follow the advise. I...
  3. fatimaflowers333

    ''If he said that, then he spoke the truth.''

    Assalamu Alaykum Beautiful story. MashaAllah. Thanks for posting.
  4. fatimaflowers333

    A convert in need of help......

    Assalamu Alaykum waramatuAllah warabarakatu Sister Dear Sister: I am happy to hear that you have been guided by Allah(swt) to be a muslim, alhumdullilah. You have been blessed, mashaAllah. Something I would like to share with you that I discovered on this path, that just because someone...
  5. fatimaflowers333


    salam to everyone thank you everyone for your warm welcome. I apologize it has taken me so long to respond but i am just learning how to navigate this web site. I am already enjoying all the information i have found here and have recommended to many people. May Allah(swt) keep us all...
  6. fatimaflowers333

    salam aleikum

    Assalamu Alaykum Alhumdullilah that Allah (swt) has guided your friend to Islam. Congratulations on your marriage and may Allah (swt) bless you both.
  7. fatimaflowers333

    New member

    Assalamu Alaykum Welcome and thank you for the blessings brother. May Allah (swt) guide us always on the straight path. :SMILY206:
  8. fatimaflowers333

    What IF?

    Assalamu Alaykum That was very inspirational, subhannahAllah. We have so much to Thank Allah (swt) alhumdullilah. May Allah(swt) have mercy on us, inshaAllah.
  9. fatimaflowers333

    "The Women have to wear Niqab because the Muslims are perverts"

    Assalamu Alaykum, with all due respect to everyone who has posted, I believe we are missing the point. The point is covering is not about male perversion, but about dignity and respect. If a muslim woman has chosen to wear the niqab because she truly believes it is the right thing to do...
  10. fatimaflowers333


    salam thank you. WyyYakum
  11. fatimaflowers333


    the treasure of peace Salam I am glad enjoyed it.:muslim_child:
  12. fatimaflowers333


    :salam2: The Treasure of Peace There is time in ones journey we call life, that a soul is chosen to see things they could never see before. Although they have sought its revelation from the moment of existence. The vision is so very crystal clear it is...
  13. fatimaflowers333


    Assalamu Alaykum I am so happy to have found this site. It is filled with so much information. Although I have been a muslim for many years now and Islam is my guidance through this life, I am always searching for my Iman to be higher, inshaAllah. Salam to everyone here and may Allah(swt)...
  14. fatimaflowers333

    Close your eyes....

    Poem :tti_sister:MashaAllah that was such a beautiful poem and so true
  15. fatimaflowers333

    She says I'm "too strict" a Muslim...

    Assalamu Alaykum I think it is important to has have the same level of Iman to have a happy successful marriage. (si)