Recent content by IbnAlAawam

  1. I

    Are you a brother/sister from pakistan

    :salam2: I am not Pakistani or from the Indian subcontinent but I wanted to say :salam2: wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu to all of you! :SMILY259::shake:
  2. I

    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was a Jew

    :salam2: Since when do jews call their children Mustapha:SMILY29:
  3. I

    American students seek true view of Middle East

    :salam2: American students seek true view of Middle East By Will Rasmussen Wed Nov 14, 8:19 AM ET CAIRO (Reuters) - Professors at the American University in Cairo call them "September 11 kids." In the heart of Egypt's capital the university with its arabesque buildings and gardens of...
  4. I

    Ohh he looks like a muslim...Shoot him..loool

    :salam2: Well, c'mon guys... if he looks like an Egyptian then it's allright, better them than us, right?.....:astag: Poor guy...
  5. I

    Situations Where Tawakku'l Min Allaah is essential

    Tawakal ‘ala Allah means "put your trust in Allah" Tawwakaltu 'ala Allah means "I put my trust in Allah"
  6. I

    Situations Where Tawakku'l Min Allaah is essential

    :wasalam: Funny. :SMILY149: NB: We say Tawakal ‘ala Allah (put your trust in Allah) and not Tawakal min Allah
  7. I

    New muslimah struggling

    :salam2: Exactly sister, go to your own rythm make sure you do not let people put pressure on you. Going slow but surely is better than going fast and then feeling overwhelmed. TAke care sister, May Allah awj make it easy for you. :salam2:
  8. I

    Your Help is Needed, Please write to the Newspaper!

    Visit and
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    Your Help is Needed, Please write to the Newspaper!

    :salam2: Please see below and let's all write to the Independent newspaper, it is a disgrace! News Desk - newseditor@ and Customer Service - customerservices@ also Letters for publication in the print edition. Note: If you wish to submit a letter for...
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    Assalamu Alaikum I am Aminah, Brandon Al'Abraham's Wife

    Salam alaykoum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Eid Mubarak. Subhanallah wa alhamdulilah for your return to Islam, may Allah bless you both and bless our Umma, Ameen. :salam2:
  11. I

    Serious Help

    :salam2: Did not realise he was a male. Ah well, then find a knowledgeable sister that would talk to her.
  12. I

    Serious Help

    :wasalam: I would go out with her and have a serious dicussion with her. Go and visit a cemetary with her, talk to her there. Death is powerful reminder.
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    JORDANIAN WOMAN ATTACKS HARASSERS from The Associated Press AMMAN, Jordan Sept. 22 - All that was missing was the Wonder Woman costume. Witnesses say a Jordanian woman ripped off her enveloping black cloak and veil to reveal a traditional long dress that was nearly as enveloping and...
  14. I

    Just converted

    :salam2: Welcome and Welcome brother Moses!
  15. I

    As salamo alaikom from venezuela

    Salam alaykoum, Bienvenido hermana! Encantado.