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  • Salam aleikum sister, Eid Mubarak, may Allah guide our affairs.
    wa'alaikuma s'salaam dear sis. Eid mubarak to you and your loved ones as well inshallah. Sorry i haven't been on here much or I would've replied sooner :)
    Assalaamu `alaiki warahmatullaah, ukhty.

    Jazaakilaahu khayraa for your help, I didn't know it was as simple copying and pasting... lots of things have been changed I guess.

    PS. Do you normally listen to those types of anaasheed? Wadaa3an ayyuhal batalu just happens to be one of my favorites =)
    wa'alaikum as'salaam wr wb sis,

    yes, the change is quite recent i think and it does make things lot easier. I just posted the url of the video you were trying to post, i don't listen to nasheeds. :)
    Salam aleikum dear sister. How are things at your side ? Keep me in your prayers inshallah. :)
    wa'alakum as'salaam sister, alhamdulillah well here. Inshallah may Allah help you in your affaris, bless you with whats good for you and protect you from what is not. Ameen. Sorry Idk how to post on your profile with this new set up.
    Assalamua`alaykum wa rahmatullaah,

    Just thought I'd stop by to know how you're doing. Hope all is well inshaa Allaah.
    wa alaykum assalaam wa rahmatullah,
    alhamdulillah i'm doing well. Just trying to figure out these new change here with the themes. I pray all is well with you and your situation?
    Aisya al-Humaira
    Aisya al-Humaira
    Well its still pending for the time being. Continuing making prayers and plan for whats best. Inshaa Allaah. :)

    Are you working or still studying?
    well inshallah all the best then. I'm working :)
    Sorry, Idk how to post on your profile with this new set up.
    Assalamua`alaykum wa rahmatullaah,

    Sister, just wanna say, thank you for the encouragement though we may never talk or chat before, but it means a lot.

    I hope you and your family are well.
    aslam o aliakum wa rahmatuALlahi wa barakatuhu,
    Apologies for the message, but i wanted to ask a Question regarding Qadr

    There seem to be two views in what i have heard, everything is already ordained in Loh e mehfooz, from beginning to the end of time (most often heard this view) but i have also come across other view which is based on "dua can change qadr" , i read explanation but i haven't been able to find something in detail in the books i checked so far, read one of the post that you mentioned about dua changing qadr was wondering if you can suggest a book or something on that matter with some detail
    JazakAllah khair

    I'm actually feeling the need of learning this art a bit too much these days. True that except for the "like minded people" bit;P. For the better or the worse, I'm a bit too different.

    May Allah forgive us for our sins and make our deeds purely for His sake.

    P.S. I'm going to go fishing for a while. So I'm disabling the VM/PM system. You may not be able to reply. Apologies.
    Yeah like I said I'm silly I confused the thread's title and thought it was your question.

    I guess you read the VM before I edited it.

    JazaakAllahu khayraa for your encouragement. Your recent thread was a real lesson. It's just sad I never learned to master this "balancing" thing.
    Asalamo`Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh,

    BaraakAllahu feeki for the rep dear sister.

    Oops! I'm sorry. I confused the threads title and thought it was your question. I'm so silly. Sorry sister.
    aslam o aliakum wr wb

    There was a book you mentioned in a thread history of islam, just wanted to ask thats by dar us salam publications right? and do you think its available on pdf if u know by any chance
    JazakAllah khair
    Salam aleykum sister. I am happy to see you are back on tti, hope everything is good in your life.
    Alhamdulilah. Better, but I'm feeling more sad. I'm trying to stay positive and look for help from ALLAH. InshaAllah. :(
    salam aleikum dear sister, how are you ? i miss your posts, Allah be with you.
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