Recent content by k1989

  1. K


    Assalmu alaikum brothers and sisters My parents are not muslim and have recently drawn up a legal will with their financial advisor. They want all of their wealth and property to be split equally between myself, brother and sister. I have tried to explain that as a muslim i should not receive...
  2. K

    Revert needing help please

    Thank you brothers and sisters for all your advice After several more comments from my husband last night, I read some of your advice to him, which perhaps wasn't the best idea and he couldn't believe what had been written by some people. Firstly he banned me from using the internet and then...
  3. K

    Revert needing help please

    Assalam-Aliykum If anybody could help I would really appreciate it. I come from a non religious family and two and a half years ago married a muslim man, who i now have a daughter with. Over the past few months I have been reading his Quran and studying Islam online and two months ago...