Recent content by kaise

  1. K

    Temporay marraige...

    Asalamu alikom i am recent convet and i have a bf he is muslim and wen we met he told me about a tempoary marrige (this was b4 i converted) this was almost 2 years ago im wanting to know is it valid and if so for how long and is it still ok noow that ive converted, please if anyone could send...
  2. K


    i have a muslim friend who seems to think paying interest in permissable in some circumstance like house buying/car...i need the pirticular verse/s from quran in arabic and english translate and hadiths please and any thing else may be of help THANKU
  3. K

    can girls grow nail

    asalamaalikum ...the only thing i dont understand is say u wash ur nails cut them and then put nail polish on them, how are they then unclean? also does this mean dying ur hair is haram to?? what about moisturisers/face creams body creams??
  4. K

    Paying Intrest...

    After reading that it really is not permissable to pay intrest it worries me as i have a credit card and a personal loan (i got both b4 converting) but i have alot to pay am i in sin how does this work? what should i do? also just about everyone (muslim) i know has credit cards and personal...
  5. K

    can a muslim buy a home on interest?

    asalamalikum ...I have wondered about this myself, i have spoken to many people and pretty well every muslim i know or have heard of gets loans from banks etc and obviously has to pay interest, the countries like mine (aust) it is extreamly hard for anyone to buy house cash! Also ive heard that...
  6. K

    Hijab in Ramadan

    I have recently converted to Islam, & I don't wear a head scarf, but I abide by the modest dress. In Ramadam is acceptable for me not to wear a head scarf? Will the fasting break if I don't?