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  • assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear sisters!! thanks 4 all of u!! May Allah bless all of u!! I hope we'll be good friends InshaAllah!!
    salam dear sister latifa, thank you for your kind invitation , may Allah bless and protects you always.
    va salam allaykum
    Assalamu Allaicum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

    Jazzak Allah khair dear sister for your friendship request.:)

    May Allah reword you

    I love you for the sake of Allah:SMILY252::SMILY252:

    Take care

    Wa Allaicumu Sallam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu
    btw sis latifa you sen your VM on my profile so i'll know about it.........
    first you view conversation then you write what you want to and then you send it:)..........inshallah
    walikumsalam my sister

    i m fine Alhumdillah .n what about u dear??

    thx for frnship my dear sis

    take care

    assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh sis! thanks!! love u 2 sister... InshaAllah we'll be best friends Ameen!!
    sister hope you are in the best of health and imaan:)
    jazakallah kahira for your friendship request:)....BUT:mad:like i said to everybody..........i'll love to be your sister:p
    :)love you sister,good to be the first one to send you aVM....hope i'll a good friend:)
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