Recent content by Mariyah

  1. M

    Rare 1950's Hajj pics

    Mash'Allah so beautifull
  2. M

    Holy Man lives without food/water for 70 years?

    A GODDESS EH hahaha Im not too sure if i belive this. . . its either a lie or Jinn are Involved but i doubt that!! hmmm. . .intersting. . looking forward to the end results lol
  3. M

    My First day with Niqab

    wow, alhumdulillah Im very happy fro you sister :tti_sister: Niqab is a very big step and i am extremly happy 4 you May Allah guide you and bless you loadz (ameen)
  4. M

    How to weep for fear of Allaah

    Alhumdulillah, very benifitial!!! I get shivers when hearing the name of our creater Allah SW!!! :tti_sister:
  5. M

    Silence is Golden

    you know this just shows that we should never really make fun of a Quite person I remember in school once a girl use to get bullied because she was so quite, so basically she was in the right while the bullys were in the wrong
  6. M

    SoSOsOSOSOSOSosOSOSo Funny!...

    Haha Lol Funny stuff :lol:
  7. M

    More sisters than brothers?

    Brothes have outnubred sisters Uh Oh! It seems that the Brothers have outnumbred us Sisters :SMILY231: thats not good