Recent content by Muslimah_19

  1. M

    As-salaam Alaikum Warahmathullah Wabarakaath!

    AMEEN AMEEN!...alhamdullilah
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    I love my religion,I love my Prophet (Peace be upon him)

    Ramadaan Mubarak As-salaamu alykuim, Ramadaan Mubarak to u all, I LOVE Islam alootttttttttt 2! Mashallah , sooooooo happy to be a M-U-S-L-I-M/A-H. Have a good Ramadaan, may we come out of this blessed month, better people inshallah! Wa-alykuima salaam. :tti_sister:
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    As-salaamu alykuim warahmatullahi wabarakatu. Mashallah we have a scott in the house! :lol:. How does it feel to be a muslim in Scotland? i'm just asking out of curiosity! I'm from Liverpool (England) myself, and i do get a few strange looks when i'm walking down the street with my hijab on...
  4. M

    Hello everyone!

    Peace! :salam2: Welcome to TTI, we have a very nice and warm communiy here which will welcome you with Open arms. Keep up with the threads and latest videos inshallah! :SMILY206: again! :wasalam: :SMILY139:
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    The Road To Guantanamo Bay

    :salam2: Brothers and Sisters The Road To Guantanamo is the story of four friends who set off from the Midlands (UK) in September 2001 for an innocent wedding and holiday in Pakistan. Two and a half years later, only three of them returned home. Through their epic journey we hear the...
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    A poem i came across, check it!

    Object of Despair Another beautiful Poem! Object of Despair by Fahim Firfiray (Abu Omar) Emma is a lawyer And so is Aisha too Colleagues going into court At circa half past two Its 1 O'clock right now They grab a bite before the trial They chat about this and that...
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    A poem i came across, check it!

    :salam2: I came across this poem on a website and i fell in love with it, i found it to be beautiful and strong, giving the sisters a voice! I am a Muslim Woman I am a Muslim Woman Feel free to ask me why When I walk, I walk with dignity When I speak, I do not lie I am a...
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    As-Salaamu Alykuim

    Thank u all for welcoming me back! :salam2: Jazakallahu Khairan for all ur beautiful messages, It's sooo nice to be welcomed back with open arms, we have a good community here and i'm so glad to be a part of it Alhamdullilah, i will make Du'a for all of u inshallah! Since it is Ramadaan...
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    As-Salaamu Alykuim

    Ramadaan Kareem! :salam2:, Jazakallah for welcoming me back, and Ramadaan Kareem! inshallah i will make Du'a for u and the muslim Ummah, inshallah make du'a for me too! i really need it! Inshallah i hope all is well! :wasalam:
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    reintroduce myself

    welcome back bro! Ameen Brother
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    As-Salaamu Alykuim

    :salam2: Brothers and Sisters! It's been forever since i've last logged into my account, so i've probley missed out on alot :subhanallah:. :frown: Inshallah i hope to keep up with it from now on tho! i have alot of free time on my hands now! :). I just wanted to say ALHAMDULLILAH...
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    where are you from?where do you live?

    I'm from (Hadaaftimo) Somalia. I live in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
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    Weeping is a Mercy from Allah (SWT)

    As-salaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatu Beware of the Hardness of the heart: For it can lead you to the Fire. So protect your heart from becoming hard and all that which may cause it to harden, and beware of turning away from the admonition of Allah (SWT) the Most High. Has not the...
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    Female Names

    Hafsa Hafsa (Umar Ibn Khattab's daughter and the name of (One of The Mother of the Belivers)
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    True Love

    peace no it wasn't was sweet Mashallah :ma: