Recent content by Muslimah_88

  1. M

    better late than never

    Salaam Sister :salam2: i have seen that u just finished ur A levels, siter wot did u get if u dnt mind me asking, i jus did my AS levels and got 2 UU in bio and Chem, DD in English and general studies, and a C in psychology, i'm looking for some help, because i want to restart doing my A...
  2. M

    better late than never

    Salaam Sister :salam2: :bismillah: sisters, this is a good site, and i am new to it, just wanted to say i have learned a couple of new things and mostly its a beautiful site because it carried the messag of Islam, welcome sister, :wasalam:
  3. M

    Zain Bhikha:The Heart of a Muslim

    MASHALLAH! this is such a beautiful nasheed, and has allowed me to see where i need to improve myself, to become a true muslim:) may Allah bless you