Recent content by MuslimStudent

  1. M


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but according to Christian belief in crucifiction and sacrafice, wouldn't crucifiction of Jesus (Peace be upon him) considered a suicide. Christians believe that Jesus is God, and son of God at the same time. IF as Christians believe, he was god, then he...
  2. M

    What is their (arab) problem ?

    :salam2: I work at a medical institution in the West. What I have noticed during many years here that many men (primary from middle east) come here to study or do research etc. They seem to be very tense with others (not arabs) muslims. Very unfriendly ( they are not rude, just seem very...
  3. M

    Simple Question

    Now I'm confused again. Read this. wouldn't United Stated considered "where People of the Book live"? Also here:
  4. M

    Simple Question

    :salam2: Can someone answer me. Are regular USA McDonalds, Subway, Burger King, KFC Halal for muslims to eat? ( except pork products obviously). Can I eat for example chicken teriyaki sub at a regular Subway? I need a concise answer, maybe a fatwa issued by modern day schools?
  5. M


    Salam Danyal, you said you let your parrot out during the day, I used to let my parrots out too. I like when parrots are free in the house but they soiled the top of my furniture. How do you deal with it?
  6. M

    At risk - worried sick!

    don't hesitate to ask your brothers to walk you to and out of school. That guys is obvioulsy a chicken if he is theatening a girl, I'd like to see him acting like that if you have brothers around.
  7. M

    At risk - worried sick!

    this terrorist's parents need to be notified and warned and make sure your parents too are aware of the situation.
  8. M

    At risk - worried sick!

    so sister palestine, you have a terrorist in your class. He is obvioulsy terrorizing you, report him to the police. Say that you have a terrorist in your class. See how they deal with him and his parents.
  9. M

    muslims in San Francisco area

    :salam2: I was wondering if there are many practicing muslims in San Francisco? Can someone who is from that area tell me more about it?
  10. M

    When do I eat?

    Ok, if If Fajr is 5 am and Sunrise is at 6:30 am When do I eat breakfast? before fajr ( before 5 am) or anytime before sinrise ( before 6:30 am) ???????
  11. M

    Looking for good practicing muslim community in the U.S.

    Yes, I read about it yesterday. I think they've already built that mosque. also Dearborn is 30% Arab-American and many are not muslims. I guess Dearborn would be a good place for someone looking for a big Arab community rather than Muslim on. Idk.
  12. M

    Looking for good practicing muslim community in the U.S.

    Wikipedia: In the 2000 census, Arab Americans comprised 30% of Dearborn's population (~100,000 people). More Iraqi immigrants have been arriving since the continued war in their country. The majority of more recent Arab immigrants are Muslims, in contrast to the predominately Christian Arabs...
  13. M

    Looking for good practicing muslim community in the U.S.

    Columbus, OH Reigh, NC Wow, mashAllah I would not think these cities would have big muslim communities. Dearborn sounds pretty attractive New York, I really doubt I would like living there. Please post your US Muslim communities if you truly believe it is large, active and...
  14. M

    Looking for good practicing muslim community in the U.S.

    :salam2: Where in the U.S I can find strong, islamically active muslim community with schools etc. Michigan? Chicago?