At risk - worried sick!


Servant of Allah
Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. brothers and sisters in Islam, i'm very frightened and scared. i know i shouldn't be and i know i should put my trust in Allah, and this may seem silly but i'm in danger. there are a group of kids about 2 or 3 that are after me. one of the kids who is a boy blatantly threatened me in class, in front of the students and the teacher. these are his exact words to me, "I'm not afraid to go to jail. One of us ain't gonna be in school tomorrow, and that's gonna be you." wallahi i'm exhausted. the teacher talked to him and he was taken to a special ed room. he's not actually mentally retarded. he's just anti-social, lonely, and very bothersome person. this all started from him not passing a paper that the teacher had asked him to pass to me. every morning he keeps telling me and my friend to shut up and he tries to control what we do. not only that but his friends are backing him up. i'm already go through a case with the school of the previous harassments i had faced last year. CAIR is already involved in the previous events that took place. the teacher thinks she's taken care of it. but i'm afraid he might come to our classroom witf a knife or some type of weapon. i seriously cannot sleep. i even cut for lunch today b/c him and his friends threatened to catch me after class. when he realized he would be unsuccessful in that, he threatened to catch me after school. but then i ran to the car and quickly went home before i could even meet him face to face. i trust in Allah that He'll do what's best for me. but i fear that if i continue attending this school, that i will be harmed before i even get to graduation, let alone pass through the year. i don't know why i'm the main target. but it can be frightening and i don't want to get my muslim brothers and sisters involved because that would create another whole mess. i guess i'm gonna see how tomorrow goes inshaAllah- but i wish i could skip that class so i don't have to face that group. suddenly i'm watching out for myself. take care everyone. asalamu alaykum.


Junior Member
be brave

Dear young sister, don`t worry be brave , all matters are in the hand of Allah swt, I used to study in a universty where all higabi sisters were threatened. They told us we should take off higab , we were very frightened but Alahmduliallah nothing happened .....(I was very weak person Allah knows my weakness)....Now alhamdulialla I wear Niqab freely.........but you should not go to school till this matter is setteled :

This is my advice:
1 Try to pray before dawn and make a sincere duaa.

2 Say the diker of the morning (I think you know them)

3 Tell some brothers and sisters so that you walk with them in company , in case you went to school NEVER BE ALONE.

4 If you can change your school , or class at least it is good.

5 If he has some friends you can talk to them , may they can help.

6 Read verses from Quran which can give strength to your hearts.

7 I pray to Allah swt to protect you, bless you, save you from any kind of harm in this life and the akira.

8 But take the matter seriously and never take risk.

You are in my heart and duaa.


Salam alaikum hun, long time no speak.

I'm so sorry for what you're going through and I think you need to take the necessary action. I have no idea why this idiot is harassing you but what you should do is go to the Dean and tell him about what's going on with you. If you want, you can go to your guidance counselor prior to that and tell her about what's going on with you but chances are she'll recommend talking to the head Dean so that's why I believe it's best for you to go straight there. If possible, you should have one or both of your parents accompany you. They usually know what to do straight from there. The last alternative is calling the police. Granted he's just threatened you but this is basically what the Dean will most likely threaten him with unless he chooses to do so otherwise.

Either way do NOT ignore this and don't let it go ignored by those in charge of providing you with a safe environment. This is the job of the school staff and you need to get them involved. InshAllah, Allah will always protect you through every trial and hardship and continue to ask Him for His protection every day. :)


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

You will be in my Du'as inshaAllah. Indeed, the difficulties we face now is surely temporary. People can attack and even kill us, but they cannot kill what is inside our hearts.

Have utmost trust in Allah and face it with wisdom my sister.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

I am sorry for the late reply to your thread dear sister. I will make dua'a Insha'Allah for your safety.

In my opinion, you shouldn't go to the class tomorrow until the matter is resolved. I would inform the cops and tell them that someone is threatening with regards to my life. A person's safety is more important than work. So I would strongly recommend you to go to the police and get them involved before you return to the school.

Please keep us informed. And please try to have someone accompany you to the school (that is if you choose to go) and don't remain alone while you are at school.


Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
I'm sorry sister, I just came back today. Have you reported the matter to the police? If you going to school, ensure you are not alone all the time. Never walk alone anywhere. Since this is not first incident, you should consider changing to other school.


Junior Member

sis you are in real danger and you know. this guy threatening you may turn out more dangerous than you think. he says he is not afraid to go to jail, ok so he wants to tell you that he might do something serious that may lead him to jail. sis, you tell him to stay the hell away from you. he must not see that you are afraid, and dont be afraid sis. its probably more difficult than just saying dont be afraid. well sis, you carry a weapon with you. im not telling this as a bad advice, but people threatening you, you need to have a weapon, its up to you what it will be, maybe a pepper spray, etc. and sis im not asking just to carry them, but you know your limits and you know when to use them. but this does not necessarily mean that you should use them, because you see, this guy may actually use that against you and report on you that you are trying to use a weapon on him, and the cops will probably listen to him as you are a Muslim in a foreign country, and though its just a pepper spray, it might get real bad. but apart from this, sis a_stranger gave some good tips and the others as well. like the sis said try talking to his friends, maybe his sister, and dont be alone. also show that you aint afraid, but it must be tough on you as you seem to be the target alot! or get some older people to talk to this guy and scare him away. but sis pls be careful as these people might turn out realy dangerous, who knows if he might bring a gun next time. you know these stories that happen in the west. and also make lots of du'a to Allah that these people leave you alone! and me too i will make for you du'a. also be in a ready state. take care lots <3


to Allah we belong
i feel sorry for u brother. may Allah protect u.

make Dua to Allah to keep u safe and take precautions also like changing the school, taking support of school admn.

did u try to advice that guy? try to talk to him politely once, maybe he'll change his behaviour towards u.

recite these:
HasbunAllah wa Ni’mal Wakil
Allah Alone is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs for us.

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
There is no power or strength except with Allah."

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
sister this terrible.just make dua'a apart from that i can give u no better advice then my sisters and brothers above me....................

however i must mention something that helps me when i feel like i'm on the dead line.u see my country is facing severe terrorism.blasts and all.At times we are afraid to go to public places.but this is what makes me stronger,

what is going to happen is decided by Allah there is no changing it.But we can ask Him and trust Him.

so u do it too,i know u have already tried it.but how about one more time.:hijabi:

may Allah make thinga easy for u.ameen:tti_sister:



Junior Member
As salam Alaykum
Please send your big brothers on him/them(if you do have big brothers). Honestly I don't know what to say but I understand how you feel. If it would be me, then I would fight him, yes you are a girl I'm a boy. I remember weeks ago a brother told me to call him for help if someone is mean to me. You need someone to help you! And you need pepperspray!

Can I just ask, why do they want to beat you? What have you done to them?

Wassalam Alaykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh


Love Fishing
well i would advice u to make a police report and inform ur parents about it...let the police to come to school and investigate..i dont know how serious he is..

Those say will never act...and Those act will never say..

say basically he is just another guy with his teenage problem...but do not underestimate him......those speak loudly are cowards dont gv so much thought for this matter...just tawakul and make a police report..

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
ya allah! that is so dangerous...sister you have to be careful..and you have to be brave....
we will be surely there for you....
and we will pray for you....plz be careful...


New Member
so sister palestine, you have a terrorist in your class. He is obvioulsy terrorizing you, report him to the police. Say that you have a terrorist in your class. See how they deal with him and his parents.


New Member
don't hesitate to ask your brothers to walk you to and out of school. That guys is obvioulsy a chicken if he is theatening a girl, I'd like to see him acting like that if you have brothers around.


Asalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. brothers and sisters in Islam, i'm very frightened and scared. i know i shouldn't be and i know i should put my trust in Allah, and this may seem silly but i'm in danger. there are a group of kids about 2 or 3 that are after me. one of the kids who is a boy blatantly threatened me in class, in front of the students and the teacher. these are his exact words to me, "I'm not afraid to go to jail. One of us ain't gonna be in school tomorrow, and that's gonna be you." wallahi i'm exhausted. the teacher talked to him and he was taken to a special ed room. he's not actually mentally retarded. he's just anti-social, lonely, and very bothersome person. this all started from him not passing a paper that the teacher had asked him to pass to me. every morning he keeps telling me and my friend to shut up and he tries to control what we do. not only that but his friends are backing him up. i'm already go through a case with the school of the previous harassments i had faced last year. CAIR is already involved in the previous events that took place. the teacher thinks she's taken care of it. but i'm afraid he might come to our classroom witf a knife or some type of weapon. i seriously cannot sleep. i even cut for lunch today b/c him and his friends threatened to catch me after class. when he realized he would be unsuccessful in that, he threatened to catch me after school. but then i ran to the car and quickly went home before i could even meet him face to face. i trust in Allah that He'll do what's best for me. but i fear that if i continue attending this school, that i will be harmed before i even get to graduation, let alone pass through the year. i don't know why i'm the main target. but it can be frightening and i don't want to get my muslim brothers and sisters involved because that would create another whole mess. i guess i'm gonna see how tomorrow goes inshaAllah- but i wish i could skip that class so i don't have to face that group. suddenly i'm watching out for myself. take care everyone. asalamu alaykum.

Not nice, not nice at all!

Right let's get started, Have you ever thought of asking him why he wants to harm you? Does he see you as a threat? Does he hate muslims? Is he doing it because his father says muslims are evil? Is he just a looking for attention? I know this is going to sound weird but perhaps he is just trying to attract your attention, if he is socially retarded he might think that the big macho bit will attract you, (stop laughing! some kids actually do think like that), after all you say he is lonely and antisocial, maybe this is the only way he knows how to interact with others.
The other thing you MUST, MUST , MUST do is TELL YOUR TEACHER THAT THE PROLEM HAS NOT GONE AWAY!!!! Sorry for shouting but it is important, he/she cannot/will not do anything if she thinks the probles is resolved.


Servant of Allah
JazakAllahu khayran to all of you for your wonderful advices. first off, i have not reported this to the police nor to the principals/assistant prinicpals due to a very huge reason. alhamdulillah the teacher in the class has taken care of the problem and i do not feel afraid anymore as i have read many duas before even leaving my house.
the following reasons are why i did not report to the police( we have one police woman at school), nor authoritic figures at school:

1-i'm currently fighting a battle against the school authorities b/c they committed injustice against the muslims and minorities of the school. they abused our rights, they would not let us pray, and i being the main target was even harassed by the assistan prinicipal. that is why CAIR is now involved and they are having meetings with the school.

2- the teacher herself has already made an execuse for the boy, saying that he is somewhat special ed. and may i remind you, he perfectly normal but because he cannot behave well he was placed in special ed. so whether he threatens me or not, he won't get in trouble. they will be sympathic with him, rather than take care of the situation.

3 - if i report to the police, they will contact the one at my school, and she's very racial and discrimant. she has accused the muslim students before when they were in the right, and the opposed were in the wrong. i was threatened the same way last year by older group of kids. some who's father's are hunters. but anyways, they did not keep following me b/c CAIR got involved. so for this reason, if i am to report - they will still accuse me, blame me just like they've done to me before. this isn't the first time nor the last. and i don't expect it to end that easily. ugh *sigh*
however, alhamdulillah i'm well. and i feel stupid for having whined. so my apologies.
jazakAllah everyone and take care.

ps: someone asked why i'm the target of these people.
my response: i have been their target, everywhere i go since i stepped foot in this country. the following reasons are why i'm their target.
*They( the school authorities, kids, staff etc.) want the minorty and the muslims to suffer and yet at the same time be silent about it. they want us to not pray, not complain, and follow THEIR RULES. basically, they want to put us on a leash and let us go when they want. that is, they treat us worse then dogs. but Alhamdulillah this year they are afraid due to the human rights organization that is involved, so they try and treat the muslims like queens and kings. lol. it is so funny. they try and involve us in everything they do now. or almost everything, but i don't think that will last for a long time.
take care everybody, and may Allah reward you all.
wasalamu alaykum warahmatumallahi wabarakatuhu
- Sincerely, Ni'mah


Slave of Allah (SWT)

Students who recognise religious discrimination in their classrooms must understand that there are laws and policies against this type of discrimination – and take action to end such situations. Documenting incidences, such as by keeping a record of events in the classroom, and using these facts to lodge a formal complaint is usually the first step. Having more than one complaint filed usually makes an investigation more serious so if possible students concerned about religious discrimination in the classroom should try to band together. Parental involvement often lends weight to such investigations, so if the student is in primary or secondary school then it might be appropriate for parents to discuss the matter with educators and administrators. If, after following the correct policies and procedures as laid out by the school administration or local authorities, students are still unhappy with what occurs in their classrooms then discussing the situation with a solicitor may be an option.

Please have a look at the following websites for further advice:

I will also make du'a for you :tti_sister:


Junior Member
:salam2: dear sister
AlhamduliAllah, for your safety may Allah protect you and all brothers and sisters ......It was a test and you passed by the grace of Allah swt .......I have a suggestion why don`t you and others young muslems try to be postive in your school , why don`t you do something to win the hearts of peeople around you ......for example participate in any activity that helps the school and no haram is done..........or do something good to show your good intention briliant and study your lessons carfully..........It is part of our duties as muslems to help, and do any kind of good that may change their attitude towards muslems. I know it easy to talk but who knows but the will of Allah swt things can be better. :SMILY259: