Recent content by nawfal.m.rouyan

  1. N

    are modern salafis too strict?

    This is an answer from a longer post in a blog concerning Fiqh al-Shafi'i or Fiqh al-Sunna which I think can be used partly to answer your question: "To follow the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was a simple matter for the Companions (Sahaba); they knew and loved him, and when...
  2. N

    are modern salafis too strict?

    Erm good question. I seriously don't know. But saying all ulama will reject it seems like an exaggeration to me. Perhaps not all will reject. Different of opinions is a mercy from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala hence we have several schools of fiqh. Though they differ in opinion, all are accepted...
  3. N

    are modern salafis too strict?

    Sorry the statement above is my opinion but the others weren't of my opinion.
  4. N

    are modern salafis too strict?

    :salam2: According to all four schools of Islamic jurisprudence, bid'a is divided into two. Bid'a of guidance and bid'a of misguidance. Though the Hanbalis divided it into several others if I'm not mistaken. But they all came to the same conclusion. Certain people object saying "What about...
  5. N

    are modern salafis too strict?

    :salam2: Wow! The hadiths you posted are interesting. Thank you for posting them. Wassalam.
  6. N

    are modern salafis too strict?

    :salam2: All the other three Imams were not students of Imam Abu Hanifa radiallahu ta'ala 'anhu. Imam Malik had the same teachers as Imam Abu Hanifa radiallahu ta'ala 'anhuma (Abu al-Zinad and Ja'far al-Sadiq radiallahu ta'ala 'anhuma). He lived during the time of Imam Abu Hanifa...
  7. N

    Can anyone clarify this article for me?

    Assalamu'alaikum wrb, Brother Indunisiy, my post isn't meant to belittle you or even hurt your feelings. If you did feel slighted by what I posted before, I humbly ask for your forgiveness. I was also stating for the moderators to delete my post if they find it not appropriate here. Not the...
  8. N

    Can anyone clarify this article for me?

    Seeing that al-Indunisiy would mean from Indonesia, I guess you would know the answer to this and perhaps it is a troll question. I'm sorry if you sincerely would like an opinion on the quoted article. The opinion of brother ayman1 is valid according to the salafi understanding which I...
  9. N

    why do mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fight?

    Here is a story related to me by someone who always find faults with her daughter in law. As usual the relationship between those two weren't great. One day she stayed at her son's place. While her son was at work and it was time for Zuhr prayer, she saw with her own eyes how after her...