Recent content by Portia

  1. P

    New Muslims

    I am new to this site! Where should I post this? Inshallah
  2. P

    New Muslims

    Saalams, I took my shahada today!!! Mashallah. I have a couple questions about "christian holidays" family is really big on christmas and thanksgiving. I am allowed to still attend the gathering with my family. My family is very important to me..I know in my heart that I am not...
  3. P

    Nearly there!

    Assalmu Alaikum! I am very happy you are taking your shahada. Alhamdulilah!! I am thinking about taking my Shahada on Saturday, Inshallah! I am also learning Salah and found this website,Mashallah,=. Also if you have an iphone, or adriod try the...
  4. P

    Assalamalaikum everybody! :)

    Jazakallah, I am 18 and just joining TTI, Alhamdulilah! Inshallah i found this website helpful Salam
  5. P

    how to pray (animation with movement,sound & english translation)

    Excellent Link Very good link! I am a non-muslim taking her shadaha this weekend or next month and I am learning Salah, inshallah. I downloaded serveral apps on my iphone to help me but I was still confused. I later found this website and then found your post, Alhamdulillah!!!!
  6. P

    Non Muslim thinking about taking Shadaha

    Assalamu Alaikum, My name is Portia, I am thinking about taking my shahada inshallah, and found this website! I am nervous because I am a 18yrs old and living on campus for my 2nd year of college. I am worried on how people will percieve me, I know Allah is the only ONE who can judge me, but...
  7. P

    Non Muslim thinking about taking shahada

    Assalamu Alaikum, My name is Portia, I am thinking about taking my shahada inshallah, and found this website! I am nervous because I am a 18yrs old and living on campus for my 2nd year of college. I am worried on how people will percieve me, I know Allah is the only ONE who can judge me, but...