Recent content by rufnek2k6

  1. R

    You Are Never Alone- by Zain Bhikha

    niceee :D one of my favs
  2. R

    2 Poems about Death

    jazakallah for your comments, I thought they were quite good too when i worte them. i think it was just due to the state of mind I was in at the time. Ill try writing some more, hopefully on a more joyful topic. walaykum asalaam
  3. R

    2 Poems about Death

    :salam2: I've never really written poems before, but 2 weeks ago, someone i knew from college died and this made me think about death. Then I wrote the following 2 poems. They may not be as good as the others here but bear in mind it is my first attempt. My Journey's End has arrived...