Recent content by SafiyahAmaaniUK

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    Alhamdulilah that this is so... just to clarify Gladys...Males who memorize the qur'an in the arabic script are given the title "Hafiz"...Females who do this are givib the title are "Hafiza"...Males who memorize the Qur'an in arabic and then understant the meaning-translate it to another...
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    Justification for wife beating?

    :hijabi: What is it like in Canada for Muslims brother? @ Hapy2b
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    Justification for wife beating?

    Sooooo Sowiiii BROTHER!!!! Please forgive!:girl3:
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    Justification for wife beating?

    Yep Sis, i know that, i think some of the people posting need to look at the example of our Nabi (pbuh) and how he was with his wifes, tolerant and understanding, some men interpret the qur'an to their own means.i.e. to beat their wives using the excuse "it's allowed, it says so in the...
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    Justification for wife beating?

    why would you want to practise that verse but not that Sunnah Junaid? the Qur'an states the rules and the Sunnah teaches us how to go about it...
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    Hi Gladys, I can answer two of your questions but please forgive I haven't enough time to answer the second 1) Religion isn't separate from a Muslims life, it IS their life, every single part of my being on this earth is affected by Islam, so it's merged into Islam simply being my life...
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    Justification for wife beating?

    :hijabi: I think we can clearly see that wife beating is not justified... a personal note, as beating/hitting/lightly tapping(whatever the translation is) is third on the list-after firstly chastising your wife and then ignoring, metaphorically it can be seen to be the very last
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    The Prophet's(SAW)wives

    I would just like to say JazakAllah to all for your information! InshAllah you will all be rewarded with Jannah...Ameen:blackhijab:
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    The Prophet's(SAW)wives

    What is a Concubine? May Allah reward you:blackhijab:
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    The Prophet's(SAW)wives

    JazakAllah for the information Who bore Ibraaheem to the Prophet(SAW)? And why did the Prophet(SAW) marry Aisha(may Allah be pleased with her) at such a young age? I know their is alot of controversy on this issue in the non muslim world and coming from a non muslim family, i've never had...
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    The Prophet's(SAW)wives

    Asalaa'ulaikum everyone, i've just got some general questions about the wives(may Allah be pleased with them) of the Prophet Muhammed (SAW)... 1) How many wives did the Prophet(SAW) have all together? 2) What were their names? 3) When did the Prophet(SAW) marry them? i.e. what time...
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    Hidden Double Nikkah?

    JazakAllah :hijabi:
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    Hidden Double Nikkah?

    I have read though, that once the marriage has been done in front of an imam and two/three witnesses, it must be then announced to the the marriage still valid if not announced to the public? I'll tell my friend to go to the imam also...:blackhijab:
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    Hidden Double Nikkah?

    :salam2: Brothers and Sisters... My question is this...can you keep Nikkah in secret from your parents and can you do Nikkah twice? I have a girlfriend (friend who's a girl) who has a boyfriend whom she wishes to marry now in order to save themselves from Zina or further Zina than they...
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    Superiority of Prostrating

    SubhanAllah! Allahu Akbhar! Alhamdulilah:blackhijab: