Hidden Double Nikkah?


New Member
:salam2: Brothers and Sisters...

My question is this...can you keep Nikkah in secret from your parents and can you do Nikkah twice?

I have a girlfriend (friend who's a girl) who has a boyfriend whom she wishes to marry now in order to save themselves from Zina or further Zina than they have already committed...the problem is, they want to keep it quiet from their parents-as they think they won't agree to marriage at such a young age (19)-and so wish to do Nikkah privately i.e. with only a few friends.

However, when they do get older and told their parents about the marriage interest, they want to do the Nikkah again so their parents don't know they are already married-with me so far?

It is very likely the two will get married anyway as both families have an idea they want to get married, but they want to save each other from Zina or further Zina. Can anyone give me advice to pass on?


:salam2: Brothers and Sisters...

My question is this...can you keep Nikkah in secret from your parents and can you do Nikkah twice?

I have a girlfriend (friend who's a girl) who has a boyfriend whom she wishes to marry now in order to save themselves from Zina or further Zina than they have already committed...the problem is, they want to keep it quiet from their parents-as they think they won't agree to marriage at such a young age (19)-and so wish to do Nikkah privately i.e. with only a few friends.

However, when they do get older and told their parents about the marriage interest, they want to do the Nikkah again so their parents don't know they are already married-with me so far?

It is very likely the two will get married anyway as both families have an idea they want to get married, but they want to save each other from Zina or further Zina. Can anyone give me advice to pass on?


Sis , i dont think any of us is able to give an advice..This is a very serious matter...u need an imam ..Go to the nearest mosque and ask the imam...


Be A Stranger
Assalamu' alaikum

For a marriage to be valid, a wali need to be there. Here's a clear answer:

Is a person married to another if they both say "We accept each other as man and wife, having Allah as our witness," with no other witnesses present, and later having a celebration, telling everyone that they are married?


Praise be to Allah.

The Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) said: "There is no marriage without a wali (guardian) and two witnesses." (It is a saheeh hadith because of corroborating reports: Irwa’ al-Ghaleel, no. 1858).

Imam al-Tirmidhi, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "The correct opinion is that narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas, who said that there is no marriage without clear evidence… Acting in accordance with that, the scholars among the Companions of the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) and the Taabi‘een and others who followed them said that there is no marriage without witnesses. (Jaami‘ al-Tirmidhi, 4/235).

If the couple referred to in the question did not follow the above, they must repeat the marriage, this time with a guardian and two witnesses.

And Allah knows best.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Source: http://www.islamqa.com/index.php?ref=661&ln=eng&txt=wali


New Member
I have read though, that once the marriage has been done in front of an imam and two/three witnesses, it must be then announced to the public...is the marriage still valid if not announced to the public?

I'll tell my friend to go to the imam also...:blackhijab:


I have read though, that once the marriage has been done in front of an imam and two/three witnesses, it must be then announced to the public...is the marriage still valid if not announced to the public?

I'll tell my friend to go to the imam also...:blackhijab:

Tell her not to interpret herself from any hadith. Go to imam is a extremely advisable


:salam2: Brothers and Sisters...

My question is this...can you keep Nikkah in secret from your parents and can you do Nikkah twice?

I have a girlfriend (friend who's a girl) who has a boyfriend whom she wishes to marry now in order to save themselves from Zina or further Zina than they have already committed...the problem is, they want to keep it quiet from their parents-as they think they won't agree to marriage at such a young age (19)-and so wish to do Nikkah privately i.e. with only a few friends.

However, when they do get older and told their parents about the marriage interest, they want to do the Nikkah again so their parents don't know they are already married-with me so far?

It is very likely the two will get married anyway as both families have an idea they want to get married, but they want to save each other from Zina or further Zina. Can anyone give me advice to pass on?

here may be some help

Sex outside of marriage is prohibited

Hadith - Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 48, Number 817, Narrated Zaid bin Khalid

Allah's Apostle ordered that an unmarried man who committed illegal sexual intercourse be scourged one hundred lashes and sent into exile for one year.

A Muslim cannot date and should always have the intentions not be alone with a non-mahram; if it is your intentions not to be alone with a non-mahram, but circumstances beyond your control mandate that you are (such as entering a store, placing an order, calling a plumber to fix an emergency leak), that is different. It must be your intentions not to be alone with a non-mahrahm person, though.

Islam protects us from ourselves by segregating men from women who are not directly related (these people are known as mahrham) as specific in the Qur'an. Instead of dating, a Muslim and Muslimah meet in a pre-arranged place (such as a room in the Masjid) with a wali/witness/guardian/escort present in the room. The couple will discuss a marriage contract and ask questions of importance to them regarding marriage. The best person to seek for a spouse is the pious.


Junior Member

Sis , i dont think any of us is able to give an advice..This is a very serious matter...u need an imam ..Go to the nearest mosque and ask the imam...

Sister I am 100% agree with alkhathiri sister & It's is batter to ask the Imam.



Junior Member
like everyone else said its best to ask an imam, however, i do personally know of a masjid in my area that will marry ppl in such a situation because the imams understand the pressures, especially when sometimes parents aren't that Islamic in their ideals for when a marriage should take place, the cost of a wedding etc., and they basically know that these kids parents are holding off their marriage for stupid reasons when really they should be preventing them from sinning. I guess the justification by the imams at that masjid is that they are preventing these kids from zina, who actually want to be good and do the right thing in Allah's eyes, and also for the fact that if their parents are not going to accept the marriage, then they're actually no longer a valid wali (i.e. the dad, or brother), because in order to be a valid wali, the wali cannot refuse the marriage to someone who would be able to satisfy the requirements of marriage or is of good character. However, there is also then the argument, that the parents (walis) are still valid, because it is likely that the guy in this case cannot provide for the girl as his wife, and so technically he should just fast, and her too if need be. So you see from what I have to say, that there are diff ways of looking at this, but most important, Islam is practical. The answer is there, and we need to talk to our most learned people to get this best answer... talk to the Imam, and these ppl should have the imam call their parents if they are embarassed. Perhaps they can even live in the guys parents house, or even they can live separately, so long as the husband is willing. There are options.