wa aleikum salam wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh
dear brother, so happy for your achivments, alhamdullilah
i think that you love sincerely what you studied and what you work, i can know because my studies of biology, nature is so perfect and flawless and i know you are in the field of biomaterials, please corect me if i am wrong.
i have the hope in my heart that Allah watches over us, may He help you in this process of beeing stable material and grant you a blessed famelly of your own
i feel better alhamdullilah, not fully recovered but not bad,my prayers where a little weird, i could not focus to much but Allah knows my intentions of the heart and all will get better inchallah
yes, you are right, the online comunity really helps, alhamdullilah for this wonderfull site and for the kind brothers and sister here
may Allah help all of us, keep you and your famelly safe
i will keep you in my prayers, please keep me in yours inchallah
take care, salam aleikum