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  • Wa aleikum salam wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

    Eid Mubarak to you and your family, may Allah hear our prayers and dua always.
    Inshallah we will all be gathered in a place of Peace.
    Say: ‘Shall I tell you of better things than these [earthly joys]? For the God-conscious there are, with their Lord, gardens through which waters flow, therein to abide forever, and pure spouses, and God’s good pleasure (al ‘Imran 3: 14-15).

    I hope everything is good in your life with help of Allah.
    Salam aleikum
    May Allah bring peace and happiness in your heart and of your family, on this Eid and always : ) Ameen summa ameen

    Wa aleikum salam , congratulations for the baby boy, alhamdulillah most important is for everyone of us to be healthy. I imagine how much joy is in your family. May allah help you to get back safe. I have been busy also as i got married alhamdulillah and moved in different country but stille in europe. Hope our lifes evolve in best way as we know allah is the best planner inchallah....Salam aleikum
    Jazzak Allah khair dear brother for asking so many times for my grandmother and may Allah reward you for your kindness.

    I feel sorry to hear for your injure and I pray that Allah give you healing soon,and as well help you in everything esle in your life. Ameen ya Rabby. Alhamdulillah, you do not need to ask dear brother to keep you in my duas, because Alhadmulillah I always keep you in my duas and all Muslims.

    Take care InshAllah

    May Allah bless you and keep you under His Protection.Ameen.

    Wa allaicumu salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu dear brother Saif

    Alhamdulillah, I am well with help of Allah,and my beloved family. As you can read in my thread dear brother,my beloved grandmother has passed away last week.

    She was very close to my heart,and especially in the begining it was so much hard for me and for my family. But Alhamdulillah, Allah has took away some part of sadness from my heart,because I understood and hope that my grandmother will be in Jannah with mercy of Allah,and I feel easy because she was good and pious Muslimah.
    wa aleikum salam, i am well alhamdullilah. I hade busy days also, i pray Allah helps you and your family. Inchallah the new member will come healthy and blessed.
    Take care in your trips, inchallah, may Allah help us always.
    salam aleikum.
    Assalamu Alaikum bro,

    Alhamduli Allah doing good, nothing to complain. I pray that Allah make you, me and all of us steadfast upon the truth. Brother, one thing I learned is that it is a trick of shaytan that he prevents us doing good deeds by means of pushing us into disappointment, hopelessness and a wrong perception of regret. I forgot which Surah but in the tafseer it is written that the Angels who are bearing the Throne of the Almighty make dua for a group of people, they are those who make frequent tawbas. We sin day and night, but what we should do is keep on fighting and keep on doing good deeds, making tawba, increase the amount of good deeds we do. We should not feel to be let down. May be my eeman feels weak now, but does not matter I will keep fighting on, I will not let go, I will not stop. Whatever it takes, I will not let shaytan win the war with me. This should be our inner attitude. Never Give up bro, Never Give up on Allah.
    wa aleikum salam wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

    my health is good alhamdullilah and on my imaan i work everyday for it, but by the mercy of Allah is everything well and like sister Aapa says, for muslims is all the time rainbow...we need patience inchallah.
    You are now in a hard period i understand, i am sorry for your finger, how you cut it ? i see is almost cured if you will take out the stiches, alhamdullilah.
    Also your knee..Allah knows better, but you know dear brother, even if is punishment, it is better for us to go thru this things in this life and not in the you told me when i was cold and in fever, Allah makes expiations for our sins...and i remember i read a hadith these days in a book of mine: Allah tells the angels to write the good deeds now in same way like you used to do them when you where not sick, dont be scared, the mercy prevails the anger.
    may Allah cure you fast.
    i pray for you inchallah, keep me in your prayers.
    salam aleikum
    Assalamu Alaikum brother, May Allah cure you soon. May Allah expiate your sins. I need your dua. As you are hurt physically, my imaan is hurt. Its bleeding pretty badly. Keep me in your dua, so that I can keep on fighting on. Allaah Akbar.
    Assalamu allaicum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

    How are you dear brother? And how is your work as a research assistant? I hope Inshallah it is not hard job for you and that you get used on new obligations.

    May Allah reward you dear brother for your kind duas for my beloved grandmother. I feel very sad to even talk about that, but I know that I can not do anything to help my grandmother, except to put my trust in Allah and hope that she will recover soon with His help. Please brother do not forget her in your duas.

    Take good care of yourselfe Inshallah and may Allah protect you.Ameen.

    salam aleikum wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

    so means it is all good until now, alhamdullilah,
    Allah knows what is best for us, our part is to obey Him as much as we can...even if we do mistakes sometimes...may He guide us to earning blessings, to be muslim in our times is difficult, especially when you are on your own but inchallah the reward for the ones that do theyr best it is with Allah.

    mashallah for your sister`s pregnancy, i imagine you worried but important is that they are healthy.
    take care dear brother,
    salam aleikum
    salam aleikum

    how is everything as research assistant dear brother ? i hope the people with whom you colaborate are good people inchallah, it is important to be comfortable in the enviroment where we spend much time.
    may Allah protect you
    salam aleikum
    I also wish to ask you dear brother to please make duas for my beloved grandmother.She has been very ill for couple of monthes and untill now nothing has changed, but I know that it will be how is qadr from Allah. I love her a loot and always pray to Allah and hope that she will recover with Allahs Help.

    Jazzak Allah khair dear brother for all your kind duas and words,and I also pray that Allah gives you and your beloved family everything the most beautiful on this world and Ahirah and protect you always. Ameen.

    Wa allaicumu salam wa raahmatullah wa barakatuhu dear brother

    Alhamdulillah I am well with mercy of Allah, only I have been and still I am busy with my studies. Jazzak Allah khair dear brother for informing me about your work,and Wallahi I feel sooooooo happy and proud on you my dear brother.:)

    Time is passing so fast that I remember like it was yesterday when you said that you have started your studies and MashAllah for so short time you have progressed a lot. Alhamdulilah dear brother that you will be more stable finanicly but as well more secure as you can help you beloved family as well with earned money and Inshallah have your own family. May Allah help you in everything you do.Ameen. Those who remember Allah always and put thier trust only in HIm, Allah will never leave them alone and without His Help.Many often people are coming and leaving from our lifes, but Alhamdulillah only Allah is always there.
    wa aleikum salam wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

    i made 4 years in high school natural science and then 3 years of university of biology, specialization anatomy. I made all this out of pure and sincere pasion, i havent told many people about this, but when i was more little i was dreaming to live alone in the jungle discovering all kinds of wonders of Allah, to study them and send materials to the civilization :) ...
    we all dream of something maybe, now honestly i focus more on beeing good muslimah inchallah and may Allah show us and guide us all the way of our life, this is most important.
    Your field is usefull for us, i am sure and i can feel you give dedication in what you do.
    rememberance of Allah is what helps me the most, alhamdullilah...this life is not easy....
    i pray Allah help you in what you do, also for all of us inchallah
    salam aleikum
    wa aleikum salam wa rahmatulahy wa barakatuh

    dear brother, so happy for your achivments, alhamdullilah

    i think that you love sincerely what you studied and what you work, i can know because my studies of biology, nature is so perfect and flawless and i know you are in the field of biomaterials, please corect me if i am wrong.
    i have the hope in my heart that Allah watches over us, may He help you in this process of beeing stable material and grant you a blessed famelly of your own

    i feel better alhamdullilah, not fully recovered but not bad,my prayers where a little weird, i could not focus to much but Allah knows my intentions of the heart and all will get better inchallah
    yes, you are right, the online comunity really helps, alhamdullilah for this wonderfull site and for the kind brothers and sister here
    may Allah help all of us, keep you and your famelly safe
    i will keep you in my prayers, please keep me in yours inchallah

    take care, salam aleikum
    wa alaikum salaam bhai,

    thnks for missing me :p

    how are you? alhamdulillah i m fine. ji, i m coming less nowadays, isliye u cant see me :)

    so hows everything bhai??
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