Recent content by Talib H

  1. T

    I need everyones opinion on this

    Very creative and fruitful:arabi1: Try to place the Third Kalimah in the background but be it visible.
  2. T


    Dear brother Yaqoub, :salam2: Malcolm X have moved many during his lifetime. His memoirs are still moving many. May Allah(swt) reward him Janat Al Firdous Al 'Alaa... Ameen. Brother Yaqoub, when Allah(swt) Decrees success for someone, He(swt) Guides that person into the right path through...
  3. T


    AsSalaamu Alaikum Brother Matta, Matta is indeed Mathew but somewhat uncommon. I want to congratulate you for reverting...may Allah(swt) guide us all into the right path, Ameen. We're all behind you and pray for you. WasSalaam Talib H
  4. T

    Inside the Ka'bah!

    :salam2: Alhamdullilah, every time I visit the Haram I try to pray inside the Ka'aba and I have done it many times. Interesting isn't it??? You see, the Hateem area adjacent to the Ka'aba which is surrounded by a semi rounded boundary is a part of the Bait-ullah. Ibrahim (AS) and Ismaeel...
  5. T


    :salam2: Jazakum Allah all for your very warm welcome! Talib H
  6. T


    AsSalaamu Alaikum to all the Brothers and Sisters, I am new to this site but I think the moderators and admins of this site has done an excellent job in offering a common platform for Muslims to engage in open discussion, views, thoughts, question & answers, and posting articles etc. Jazakum...