Salaam, salaam, salaam


Salaam walaikum my brothers and sisters,

I awoke this morning and my heart is filled with Love. So I am sharing a little of my sunshine with each and everyone of you. I am so blessed to have all that Allah subhana talla has given me and included in that is my TTI family. May Allah subhana talla's Blessings descend upon each of you. May Allah give us strength and courage. May Allah give us Peace.




May ALLAH SWT keep you like this always. May ALLAH SWT accept all your prayers and keep you in peace always. Ameen.



daughter of Adam

Asalam o alicom.
I am very glad to read ur thread.I expect every muslims who join this community,to share views with each Allah give us right path.Ameen:subhanallah::SMILY105::jazaak:


Junior Member
Salaam walaikum my brothers and sisters,

I awoke this morning and my heart is filled with Love. So I am sharing a little of my sunshine with each and everyone of you. I am so blessed to have all that Allah subhana talla has given me and included in that is my TTI family. May Allah subhana talla's Blessings descend upon each of you. May Allah give us strength and courage. May Allah give us Peace.


thats why i love this site i can share with them what i feel and thy will be there for you always if you needed them
and may Allah always makes your days happy


Salaam walaikum my brothers and sisters,

I awoke this morning and my heart is filled with Love. So I am sharing a little of my sunshine with each and everyone of you. I am so blessed to have all that Allah subhana talla has given me and included in that is my TTI family. May Allah subhana talla's Blessings descend upon each of you. May Allah give us strength and courage. May Allah give us Peace.


walaikum as salam,

u're very lucky apa. i woke up this morning and found myself in a dumpster :). hehe




Sometimes in my life I have found treasures galore in dumpsters...after all one man's thrash is another man's treasure. Honestly, dumpster diving is a great pass time. I have found chairs, tables, carpets, etc. etc.


aha! you robbed my house!!! u took away my chairs tables carpets etc etc!!! they're miiiiine! they're my precioussss.



Son...slow down...I just took your trash and made it into my treasure...sort of what happens when we submit to Allah...we are cleansed...


hahahahaha well apa all the treasures belong to Allah so He gives to whomever He pleases without measure.

I hope Allah will reward you without hisaab :). just like Hazrat Maryam (AS) said to Hazrat Zakariya (AS) in Surah Aale Imran. :)


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dear beloved sister

May Allah(swt) keep you always in happiness and grant you good in both the worlds. Hope your two sons are also in same condition as you.

We are always glad to have you around here when we need. However, I have been noticing that your activeness has decreased in past several months. Please dear Aapa make sure you do not leave us like some others did. I am sure I cannot handle it if it happens.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


No God but Allah
Assalamo alikom

Salaam walaikum my brothers and sisters,

I awoke this morning and my heart is filled with Love. So I am sharing a little of my sunshine with each and everyone of you. I am so blessed to have all that Allah subhana talla has given me and included in that is my TTI family. May Allah subhana talla's Blessings descend upon each of you. May Allah give us strength and courage. May Allah give us Peace.


Dearest Aapa, Jazaki Allah khairan for throwing some lights into my heart. The radiation of your strong feelings of love and content have reached me here and warmed my heart. Thanks for the gift :)



I am not planning on going anywhere. My computer died so I had to share one with my two teenage sons. Needless to say, I lost. I am the happy owner of a mini-lab top and should be driving you crazy soon.