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  • As-salaamu'alaykum

    I hope and pray you are in the best of health wa imaan.

    Sister, are you still conducting the Arabic sessions?

    Asalamualikum sis
    Hope your in good health and imaan. :)

    May Allah Ta'ala accept our ibadah, dua, tawbah, fasts, salah, charity and quran recitations this blessed month. Ameen.

    how are you sweet sister and how is your ramadan going.may ALLAH keep you in his protection.ameen
    Asalamualikum dear sister,
    Its cool no problem. :)
    Yes ofcourse id be very grateful to learn Arabic from you, allahmdulilah.
    What do i have to do?
    Asalamualikum dear sis Amany,
    Ameen to your dua sis.
    Yes inshAllah your in my dua's.
    I hope your in good health and imaan.
    May Allah ease your affairs for you the right way and grant mercy upon you from His grace, ameen.
    PS im Sumaya lol not Asma. Wasalam Xx
    JazakAllah khair wa ahsanu jazaa fid darain! :D
    Ukhtii i wd love to join ur classes but at the moment i am havin exams ... So inshaAllah next month i will join u guys :)

    JazakAllah khair again sietr for ur welcome :)
    May Allah bless u ukhtii

    Take care
    Wassalaamu 'alaykum :)
    As-salaamu'alaykum ukhtii
    i would love to learn some more arabic, that would be awesome.
    i hope i am allowed to join ur class. im a sister lol so can u please let me know..?

    jazakAllah khair katheer in advance :)
    i hope you are doing allright .i thought i drop a lil message in you page .
    Asalam alaikom wa rahma tullah wa burrahktohu,
    dear sister, ma'shAllah that you are well and Allah is keeping your heart polished and sparkling with His inspiration and your devotion.

    I hope inshAllah to see you about later tomorrow to 'chat', missing you :)
    love you for the sake of Allah and Alhamdulillah for His making this so easy
    fi amanillah
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