Salam Muslims,did you know this happened?


Junior Member

a man ws riding his bike with two daughters in Afghanistan when an american tank came and ran over them. this was in the Afghan news and you wont find it in the english news. i dont know the exact story, like if he had one or two daughter with him. another recent one, suicide bomber killed about nine americans. they still aint getting it and maybe there will be a jihad.
i read the thread about taliban and the swat was starting to turn out like youtube, where you see insults everywhere. well just want to say a few things..taliban are good, you wll hear bad things about them if you listen to americans and they were not kicked out from Afghanistan. taliban is an Afghan thing, and shouldn be mixed with Pakistan. they are Muslim fighters, they created schools and encourage education for girls. what you hear about them burning schools, is called propaganda. i think they should stay where they are and not go to Pakistan. and Pashtoons are Afghans, they just migrated to Pakistan because of the war. taliban are good Muslims and they didnt come from the cia,they were previous mujahiduns who fought the British and Russians. ya and america helped them, when the were not yet more, people should not mix the two countries, Afghanistan is different from Pakisan and vice versa.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
If this is true, the atrocity committed by american tank similar to zionist marine shooting at a palestinian family at seaside sometime ago. Obama said "america do not torture people" but he never said "america will not kill innocent people". Probably this is why he is sending additional 17k troops to Afganistan.


all their troops come back psychologically broken and homeless. they don't get jobs in their own country and get no respect. i guess its all Allah's doing. when you kill an innocent family how can you expect Mercy from Him


Purifying my soul!
Salam alaikum wa rahmatulah!

Freedomefighter, I'd try to contact a newspaper if you have a reliable source. There may be newspapers that want to cover the truth. Allah Akber, He is the Best Planner of All planners.

Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah!


Junior Member
i can believe it
my country cant even stop us troops from getting electricuted
so they probly cant drive a tank either
may Allah protect us