Deenul Islam


Junior Member
:salam2: brothers and sisters, would you like to give me your any information or any opinion about Deenul Islam?? :)

Jazakallah Khair...



Junior Member

I think the most important part of Islam is that it teaches man who is his creator who originate everything out of nothing and reveal Quran to his final porphet :saw: as guidiance and light to show humanity the way. :salah:


Junior Member

I think the most important part of Islam is that it teaches man who is his creator who originate everything out of nothing and reveal Quran to his final porphet :saw: as guidiance and light to show humanity the way. :salah:


thanks to a_stranger, based on what i got, Deenul Islam is also Important... :D



Junior Member

to all brothers and sisters

Deenul Islam is what we call as an Islamic System, that controlled by Qur'an and Hadits... we live as what Allah asks us, and do how Rasulullah Sallallahu'alaihiwassalam did....

nowadays as what we see, the system that we follows is not Islamic, we are following the States Rules... We are supposed to live as how Allah asks us to live... following how Rasulullah Sallallahu'alaihiwassalam do the government.... it's including how to be working with Islamical Economics and Politics... it's also called as Darrul Islam... what we have now on the Earth is Darrul Kafir.. that's what Deenul Islam is as what I got, but I still look for the other meaning... then it's why i'm asking... :(
