A Question...


I have been invited by an muslim organization in Hong Kong which two Egyptian muslim usually do the work like organizing activities and stuff.Their are also some muslim ladies...the problem is that my parents won't allow me to go there because my father says that they are not good muslim.Not because they are different in Race but because they are "Mixed". What i mean is that, both Male muslims and Female muslims are working together:girl3:, taking pics together and other stuff.My father says, at least they should have a separate "sub-organization"(my own word:D), like there should be a female section and a male section.

What do you think about it?A lady has invited me to come on this Sunday?What should i say?

Your opinions will be greatly appreciated!!


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

I have been invited by an muslim organization in Hong Kong which two Egyptian muslim usually do the work like organizing activities and stuff.Their are also some muslim ladies...the problem is that my parents won't allow me to go there because my father says that they are not good muslim.Not because they are different in Race but because they are "Mixed". What i mean is that, both Male muslims and Female muslims are working together:girl3:, taking pics together and other stuff.My father says, at least they should have a separate "sub-organization"(my own word:D), like there should be a female section and a male section.

What do you think about it?A lady has invited me to come on this Sunday?What should i say?

Your opinions will be greatly appreciated!!


Short and sweet answer... You should listen to your parents.

Obeying parents is an obligation. Plus I agree with you father's opinion that men and women should be seperate. Just because they are doing dawah doesn't mean that the 'fitnah' disappears. Shaitaan is working overtime to trap us. We shouldn't be giving him tools to work with !

Another thing I disagree with is women traveling alone without their mahram to a foreign country. Perhaps the women can involve themselves with dawah activities a bit closer to home ?

Nonetheless, you should always listen and obey your parents because Allah azz zawajal commanded us to do so.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi


Praise be to Allah!
Wa 'alaykkum salaam wa rahmatullaah, I have soo much respect for your father now for the wisdom Allaa has blessed him with. There are less people of our fathers and mothers who know the seriousness of free mixing. May Allaah preserve your father's deen, aameen.

Personally, if there is a muslim organisation that free mixes, then I won't even go near them as this leads to a greater evil sometimes compared to a greater good.

Jazakillaah khair, wa salaamu 'alaykkum


Junior Member
Assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

Your father is right, may Allah bless him.

When this organisation is keeping inviting you, please keep in mind to tell them the truth.

If a muslim sees something wrong he has to change it with his hand, if he is not able with his tongue, if he is not able with his heart.

Wassalamoealaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh


Assalaam walaikum,,

Listen to your father. There is no reson to be sad...Insha'Allah, Allah subhana talla will provide you with opportunities that are beneficial to you and pleasing to your parents.

my love,

your aapa